Author Archives: The Red Queen
History of Recessions
History of Recessions:
This graphic was designed by Lorena O’Neal, you can check out more of
her work here.Source:
click to embiggen
It’s Internet time!
Yes, I an writing this from my own sweet, sweet home internet connection to No more weirdly formatted phone posts! To the lovely reader who made this possible, you get my undying gratitude and a kidney should you ever need it.
Also, shortly you will be seeing a few sponsored blog posts. You’ll Know they are sponsored by the fancy graphics and distinctive lack of cuss words. Please enjoy!
The Great Music Exchange
The loverly Aeryl is burning me some cds and wanted to know what I
like. The Great Ruthzilla has drunkenly proclaimed me the Indy Pop
Queen. It’s true. I love the Decemberists, Death Cab, the Pernice
Brothers, Magnetic Fields, etc. Also bitchy girl’s, pop and otherwise
like Lilly Allen, Kate Nash, M.I.A., Princess Superstar, etc. 70’s
funk and it’s bastard children from curtis Mayfield to Janelle Monet.
Thinky or non-gangstar rap like Blue Scholars and Lyrics Born. And
disco punk (punk you can shake your ass to) like The Clash, The Fall,
Gang of 4, Franz Ferdinand,Gogol Bordello, the Gossip. Oh and I like
some latin stuff like Julietta Venegas and Maria Rita.
I also love hearing shit I haven’t heard before. Surprise me!
If you want to participate in the great music exchange, email me for a
mailing address.
Fuck Yeah! Pillows!
We haz them. So fluffy. So awesome. If everyone had enough pillows we
could maybe end war.
Eat The Rich!
So i get this text message from a dear friend:
DF: Husband just got a new job. It’s on Wall Street, but don’t worry.
He’s not a banker.
Me: That’s col. He’s in a prime spot for when the end times come. Tell
him to keep an eye out for the foodiest banksters. They’ll make the
best steaks.
That’s a tricky little intersection
You all may have heard about the horrible beating of a white
transwoman at a McDonalds by 2 African American women. Let me start by
saying it’s an atrocious act to inflict violence on someone because of
their gender, or your percieved notions of their gender.
But I have to wonder if this is getting so much attention because the
attackers are black and the victim is white. Does the racial make up
make it easier for us good white folk to sit back and tssk tssk the
actions of these violent black women? Does it feed into established
stereotypes and make it okay to talk about?
Would it be getting this much attention if it were 2 white women
beating a black trans woman (and I hate having to include the trans
part in that description, the victim is a woman. And if I were writing
about her for any other reason, trans wouldn’t be needed. But she was
attacked because of her trans-ness, so it’s part of the story) or 2
white men doing the beating to a black body, would anyone even care?
Sadly, probably not.
It’s almost as if we’re never on the right side
While I was working on my Chiapas painting I was thinking about how
the current carnage in northern Mexico due to narcotrafficing is
because we trained those criminals and murderers in warfare to fight
the zapatistas, a bunch of farmers who were protesting NAFTA and
wanted land reform. And I was thinking about how Aristide really was a
decent guy until Clinton (Bill) got into the act and Aristide was all
love for le Infants Terrible. And so I was thinking about the armies
we’re training in Iraq and the Pols we’re backing in Afghanistan and
the bombing we’re providing in Libya. What kind of horror stories will
we hear in 10 years because once again we’ve backed the wrong person
or corrupted the governmet of some other country or trained an army of
sadists in the fine arts of Torture and oppression.
Saturday Art Blogging
The first thing I do when I move is hang the art. Since I lost all of
it, including all of my own paintings, I am making do. The apartment
feels more empty to me because of the bare walls than because of the
lack of furniture. When I got Kid’s Bed, I also got 4 awful pictures
that I am cannibalizing for my own paint. One was your standard boring
garden print, over the top of which I am painting a giant Buddha in
the lotus positions with a bright red background. But instead of
having both eyes closed in peaceful meditation he’s got one eyebrow
raised and is giving a hard side eye to something. He’s half finished.
I ran out of paint. The other one I’m doing is the beginning of a
series. I’ve always loved travel posters but am grossed out by the
exoticism. So I’m going to do some paintings of travel-style
revolutions. I’ve started on one of Subcommandante Marcos/Citizen X
that will read ‘chiapas’ and I’d like to do one for Tunisia and Iran.
But again, out of paint. I’ll post pics when they are done, if you
Internet, still an impossible dream
Fucking fucking fuck. This is cause I snubbed the gods of interwebs by
having a back up compy to use while the dead one is getting fixed,
isn’t it?