Has the object of your obsession said flat out ‘if you contact me
again, it’s stalking’? If yes- you’re a delusional asshat and a
Has the focus of your obsession had to: change their phone number,
move, etc. in order to avoid contact with you? Ding, you’re a fucking
stalker. Seriously folks, I had almost 6 Weeks of peace and quiet.
Of-fucking-course it was just wishful thinking on my part to think
that jerkface stalker had moved on. Wishful thinking. Well I’ll give
you a little more wishful thinking, when this person finally kicks the
bucket and can no longer hurt me, I’m going to dance a fucking jig.
You got that Stalker? I am waiting for you to die so you’ll stop doing
fucking damage to the people you claim to love. And if you don’t back
the fuck off I am going to start talking about what life with you was
really like. You really don’t want that. But if you go away, then I’ll
stay quiet.
Author Archives: The Red Queen
There’s a rumor
That I will have internet TODAY! Woot, everybody throw ya hands up.
Of course since the universe has conspired for most of the last 2
years to keep me from regular internet access, my laptop has died. But
damned. (So far only a rumor because even though qwest is scheduled to
be here, I won’t believe it till they are actually here.)
Kid’s got a bed
A super soft memory foam twin extra long mattress and box spring. I’m
jealous. Also got a super fab modern plywood dining table and two
comfy but ugly waiting room chairs. Hurray! No more sitting on the
floor! Now if you all will excuse me while I go die of exhaustion.
An Old Fashioned Music Exchange
In the course of homelessness, I’ve lost the several hundred gigs of
music I once had, including the digital copies of old fashioned cd’s
that I ripped and then sold to a record store one desperate summer
rather than do porn for groceries (true story). I’m down to 3.5 gigs
that I managed to save off a dying mp3 player. I’m leary of
downloading since all the internet companies have initiated the
smackdown on users who go over the limit. But what if we had a music
swap. It’s so quaint, like mix tapes. We could burn cds or dvds full
of music and pass em around. Anyone interested?
Positively Pavlovian
For a long time my ring tone was The Gossip’s ‘Standing in the way of
control’ and now everytine I hear the song I start frantically looking
around for my cell phone. The current ring tone is a remix of Queen’s
Another one bites the dust. I may have ruined that song for myself.
Important Question for the Peanut Gallery
So I’ve received a little offer to do a few sponsored blog posts. It’s
a little extra money (like $40) and I’m certainly desperate for it,
but would you all find it too bizzare? Yes, it would make me a sell
out, but I live at half of the poverty level and have some sell-put
wiggle room on the grand scale.
How do you know you travel light?
When every single thing you own, plus a couple of things you borrowed,
plus all of your groceries, plus 3 adults and 2 car seats can fit into
a single minivan without removing the seats.
In other words, Kid and I and all of our stuff are now in our new apartment.
Lease signed!
And I’m going to pick up my keys. My keys, my apartment. OMFG peeps!
I’m back in the land of responsible home renters.
Banksters been using the stock market to blackmail us for a long damn time
Any of you peeps remember how in the GoGo 90’s the stock market would
take a hit everytime new employment numbers came out? They said it was
cause they (who is they?) feared low unemployment rates (5% or less)
would lead to inflation. Except it didn’t. It led to full time jobs
with medical and dental insurance and regular wage increases. That’s
what the Banksters hate.
Let’s Watch The Banksters Blackmail The Government, AGAIN!
So the S&P (Standard&Poor) just downgraded America and made the stock
market plummet over fears that the government isn’t taking debt
reduction seriously enough. Now we all know the S&P is a bastion of
ethics and honesty (cough-choked on my gum while typing that line-
cough) so of course their only motive would be rationally and honestly
assessing the stock market (cough-damn I’m going to need the heimlich
if I continue with the sarcasm)! How long before His Hopiness runs
further to the right? I give him about 5 seconds. We should place