The Patriarchy is Lucy and We Are Charlie Brown

We keep falling for the same stupid trick with the football. Will we never learn?

I mention this because last night I was reminded that I once wrote a paper on Tacitus’ “On Germania”. It is considered to be one of the first ethnographies (cough, sputter cough). But what it really is is a blueprint for how to sell invasion of a foreign land back home. There is plenty of othering, idealization of the native and all around condescension, but what I focused on was the way Tacitus used his description of German women as a rationalization for conquest.

He describes the women as buxom beauties with a sense of family loyalty that is missing in their Roman counterparts. These women go to war with their husbands, they raise the children and cook the meals and do all the work while their unwashed men drink nasty beer and start fights with each other. They are oppressed, oppressed I tell you, by the loutish German men.

It is not a huge jump (any jump at all) to apply that same kind of thinking to Iraq or Afghanistan. We have to save the poor oppressed women from their brutish Muslim masters! We must rape and pillage and plunder to save these poor oppressed women from rape and pillage and plunder. Wait, what?

At the same time, it works to shut up women at home who might be getting uppity what with not being alowed to venture out of the house. See you could have it so much worse, you could be married to a drunken German or Central Asian Muslim! You can’t complain when you’ve got it so good, privileged women of the Empire.

And it works. Over and over and over. We keep falling for the same bullshit propaganda. We keep thinking that this time the patriarchy is going to let us kick the ball, only to end up flat on our ass with grass stains.

The patriarchy has no new tricks. Just the same ones in new shiny packaging for at least the last 2000 years. When are we gonna wise up and walk away from the stupid football? How many wars must we fight before we get that it just ain’t in our best interest?

Fun with trolls and Liberal Carnivals

First things first- Montag from Stump Lane is hosting this month’s Carnival of the Liberals. You should go check it out. I’m in it, so it must be good. 😉

Because of this here carnival I got a lovely little troll comment stuck in moderation from a guy ( I assume) with the lovely screen name of WaChinYu.(I could go on about how his name manages to be both creepy stalker fodder straight from the patriarchy AND racist at the same time- but you all are smart. I think you can dissect that yourselves).

If we can bait enough suckers with class envy propaganda, we too shall enjoy a socialist utopia; just like the ones envisioned by Stalin, Tito, Pol Pot, and Chairman Mao.
(pssst… don’t tell them that the little guys got stepped on too, or that there were still poor people in Utopia)
Bootstrapping doesn’t work if your a Dumb-Ass!!

What’s really funny is that dude doesn’t think there is all ready a class war going on.

I think this is a case of a woman saying “fuck this- I’m not gonna eat your shit sammich and call it dinner” and a dude with shit sammich crumbs all over his shirt refusing to call his sammich what it is, because he all ready ate it. I think somebody has a vested interest in keeping the spectacle alive, though a little tooth paste and rational thinking would serve him better.

Dear President Obama:

During your first year as president something has happened, and it’s not a good something. It’s something that didn’t happen under George W., and he was pretty fucking awful.

In 2000, the year that Bush was appointed to the presidency, I made a reasonable salary of 35k per year. I was middle class. I owned a car, had my own apartment, paid an outrageous amount in money for childcare fees. But I always had enough money to buy my kid new shoes when he out grew them and I didn’t get a dime of child support or public assistance. I had health care that actually covered things. I went to the dentist. It was good.

Then there was a recession that was only moderately, kinda declared a recession. I got laid off, the only time I have ever been let go from any job. After that we never really recovered, though the news bunnies all declared the recession over. Since then I have never found a full time, non-temp, benefits eligible position.

The first year under Bush my income dropped by a third.

Every year after that, my income dropped by another third, until about 5 years ago when I bottomed out at the poverty crushing level of 7k a year. And there we stayed.

It was tough. I needed a shit ton of government assistance including: medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, LEAP grants to keep the lights on. We even sometimes had to rely on the kindly readers of this here blog for donations.

We survived. Well, physically I mean. I am now prone to bouts of serious depression and years of dealing with Welfare workers pretty much kills your dignity. But for 5 years, my income didn’t change, no more sinking. No raising either,but we floated along on the crappy Styrofoam beer cooler that passes for a life preserver in this country. I thought to myself, well if this is the bottom then we will get through it. It sucks, but we will get through it.

But that wasn’t the bottom.

I’m reminded of how far from the bottom that was by my tax return. See last year, 2009, the year you became the president of hope and change and bipartisan leadership (of the United States of Kleptocracy), I made a grand total of $3500.

That is less than $300 a month for a family of 2.

That is a 50 percent drop, bigger than any Bush level third. And it’s the most painful. I can no longer say “well if this is the bottom, it sucks but we’ll get through it”.

Thank you, President Obama, for destroying any hope (or should I say delusion) that I had about our government’s efficacy.

Thanks for giving me the change (and by change I mean the spare change I’m going to start asking for on street corners) I can believe in.

I am just one little person in a sea of millions of little people all drowning in this financial crisis. I do not have the clout that say a few “savvy” banksters do. I’m just a mom, with no income, no health insurance and a kid who has a toothache and can’t go to the dentist.

And what I need from my government is for it to work for me. I don’t give a flying fuck about bipartisanship. I don’t give a tiny fuck about “the tone” of Washington politics. These things don’t do anything as far as getting food on the table.


The privilege of abstract philosophizing

Many many moons ago, before I’d even met him in person, I gave Wonder’s fiance a public smackdown over an article on abortion in Nicaragua. See he’s a dude. And a dude who grew up in conservative Christianity. He was a bit knee jerk, rhetoric spewing back then.

I am glad to say he’s come a long fricken way since then.

But back to Nicaragua, where abortion is illegal, full stop. No exceptions. But not only is abortion illegal, providing medical treatment to a woman with cancer who is pregnant is also illegal, because it might hurt teh baybeeeeeeeeeeeee.

This is what happens when people with privilege make abstract calls about what is right and wrong, privilege in this case meaning it’s not a problem you’ll ever have to deal with cause either 1) you’re a dude, and dudes are never required to offer themselves up as human life support machines or 2) you’re a woman with enough money/power that if you had to choose between life and death, you could go to another country where doctors would still treat you.

We talk about things (sometimes even I) that are a matter of life and death to those without privilege as if they are no more important than what we had for dinner last night. I’ve seen this happen so fucking many times with people talking not just about abortion, but poverty. They off-handedly declare that the poor should have to be drug tested before getting food stamps, without bothering to consider that as one more way we make poor people guilty of the crime of being poor (the only other people who are required by the state to get drug tested are – go figure- criminals). We do the same thing when tallking about obesity and changing laws so that money for food assistance to poor families can only be spent on what non-poor people think are virtuous foods.

We do that when we establish stupid laws like Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. We don’t think of the consequences to real, live, human beings in our quest for “fairness” or “balance” or “objectivity”.

The privilege of abstract philosophizing is what makes abortion restrictions, it is an attempt to smooth over the ruffled ideas of one group at the expense of the lives and welfare of another. It is half-assed human rights. It can only be done by people who are never in jeopardy of becoming one of the many who their policies will harm.

Do you know how loud a sonic boom is?

Just a few minutes ago it sounded like a giant thunderbolt struck the roof. The kid came running to my room screaming. I thought it was a storm (though it’s fairly normal weather outside), kid thought something fell on the roof. All the dogs in the neighborhood started barking.

Maybe it was the rapture? I’ve already promised to watch the dogs and cats if my relatives get vanished up to heaven, no need to pay some capitalist atheist when you’ve got a socialist agnostic in the family.

But no, it was not the end times striking our little patch of rural purgatory.

It was just NASA, sending off a space shuttle, breaking the sonic barrier and scaring children. Who launches shuttles at 10pm on a Sunday night?

We now return to our regularly scheduled bitching in T minus……………..

Let Them Be Human

This is another of those long rambly thinky posts. These go down best with massive quantities of cheap red wine, so drink up.

At the beginning of the Haiti rescue effort, Auntie Cate and I were watching Sanjay Gupta take care of a bunch of people left in a hospital tent after their doctors had been told to pack all their supplies and were taken away. Auntie Cate said “I’ll never say another bad thing about Sanjay, just for staying and treating these people”.
“Oh please” I said (in pleading, not sarcastic tone) “let him be human. Let him still be held responsible when he says something stupid”.
Then I watched this interview with Kathleen Hanna (who I love love love) and she says “If I am going to be a role model, let me be a really three dimensional role model who, like makes mistakes and learns from them and doesn’t do everything right all the time”.
Do you all know where my nom-de-blog comes from? Partly it’s because I am always wearing something red, even if you can’t see it. Right now I am rocking seriously chipped fire engine red nail polish on my toes. The other part comes from the Red Queen theory of evolution. The theory (in a very simplified version) is that species must keep evolving to keep up with a perpetually changing environment and the evolution of other species.
We humans haven’t evolved much, at least not in the classic Darwinian fashion, for about 200,000 years. We are physically very similar to our ancestors. Where we can evolve and change and grow is in a Lamarkian sense, consciously through the willingness to try new things and sometimes make mistakes.
So Kathleen Hanna goes on in the interview to talk about how we are in a society where we “kill our leaders”, meaning we build them up and then thrash them when they don’t conform to our ideals. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. I’ve been thinking about how Ghandi wrote that the Jews in Europe during the holocaust who tried to escape concentration camps “should have offered themselves up to the butcher’s knife”. And I’ve been thinking about this fabulous post by Renee about Nelson Mandela. I’ve been thinking about the heroes of the Irish revolution, who finally succeeded on the backs of their socialist brothers and sisters at gaining independence, only to turn around and start killing off those radicals who didn’t want partition or capitalism to be the price of their freedom.
When we build up people into idols, we remove from them the ability to evolve, to change, to make mistakes. We hold them in a sort of mental stasis that leaves them free from criticism and from improvement, or evolution.
I saw this happen to so many people during the primaries and election, the building up of Obama as a progressive ideal, the perfect candidate. Now that the idealism is a bit tarnished, perhaps we can help the president along in his evolution. But that ONLY happens when we allow for him to be human and make mistakes, and we CALL HIM OUT on them. You cannot lear anything new in a bubble, you have to be willing to take the knocks from the world.
Back to the Red Queen theory for a minute. Have you ever spent years learning a lesson when a 5 minute epiphany would have served you just as well. Like say, years spent with a romantic partner, trying over and over to fix the relationship, only to have a light bulb moment where you suddenly realize “s/he just doesn’t treat me very well” or better yet “holy shit, every single time I diet I get fatter!” That’s a wee bit like all the running around in circles the White Rabbit does for the Queen. I think we have to go through those kinds of laps sometimes to evolve.
I’ve also been thinking about revolution. I know, for a fact, documented and all, that change only comes politically when it is in the elites best interest. We got the New Deal under Roosevelt because socialism was a real live political threat. Parties were organized, candidates were running. Rather than loose everything to the collective, certain factions of the elites realized that they must evolve or die. Certain other factions of the elites were, uhm, less enthusiastic. But the real pressure to change was the threat of losing it all.
We don’t have that kind of pressure to wield yet, people in general are still a bit too shell shocked from the new Great Depression. They may intellectually know that this is not the end result of personal failures, at least for themselves. But they are still holding on to outdated and false ideas of how success works. Soon, if we on the progressive side can stop acting like a herd of cats, we may have an opportunity to crack this country straight down the class divide. We have to be there, ready, when the entire American populace has it’s epiphany moment and realizes “neither party treats me very well” or “every time we elect a new leader we end up worse off”.
But that opportunity only comes if we let them be human, both leaders and regular folks alike. We must be willing to praise them when they are right and criticize them when they are wrong. But most importantly, like disaster capitalists, we must be ready with new ideas to push forward when that epiphany happens, and we must make ourselves a real and undeniable threat to the current power structure. Change will never happen otherwise.

Art Blogging, cause it’s been a long ass time

I almost, but not, always write about women artists in these little posts. After trolling through online art galleries for ages, I am excessively bored by the standard art fare normally offered: naked reclining woman, naked woman’s back, naked reclining woman, and so on.

It’s not even so much that I choose to write only about women as a feminist who wants to promote the artwork of other women, though that is part of it. But before I can even get to the analysis of a piece,or even to scrolling down to see if the name of the artist if familiar, it has to interest me. And the art of most (but not all) men is trite to me, before I even know the gender of the artist. It’s been done, it’s not a new or unique point of view.

So when I stumbled onto these pieces by Amedeo Palazzi, I was gape-mouthed. I don’t know anything about the artist. He could be a raging dickhead. But with just a few paintings he turns the male gaze backwards on itself.
Here’s a very thin man, making the hunched shoulder broken doll pose that has become so popular in fashion magazines. He’s sleepy eyed, with the slightly opened mouth that is ubiquitous to female models. He’s posed with a 3/4 view of his face, not with a dead on stare. The painting is undeniably sexual because he has been posed in a very traditional pose for women who are meant to be looked. There isn’t really a male equivalent of a sexy pose (which is why playgirl always seems so much like an underwear catalogue that forgot it’s product).

This is a classic use of female sexy pose. The head is even cut off, in the middle of the over the shoulder pose. If this had been a painting of a girl or woman I would have breezed on by, just another in a hundred thousand views of teh sexxay is teh art. But it’s a guy, and guys aren’t supposed to be the vulnerable ones in our view.

Perhaps none of this is the artist’s intention. But intention, as we well know from feminism 101, doesn’t matter. This is what women are posed like all the time, on billboards and beer ads and all sorts of shit. But because it’s so universal, we don’t even notice it. Switch the genders though, and a semi-clad guy in a painting shows all those little subjugations as bright as neon.

Updates from the family compound- Or good news and bad news

The good news!

1) We finally have real, true, all our very own and not a stolen wifi signal set up again. It only took one dickish installer, an hour and a half on the phone with a nice lady at comcast who suffered through my little mini meltdown (I haven’t slept, the wireless router hates me, the comcast modem hates macs, etc) but I have done it. As the ugly American screamed at a french firefighter in Paris- “SUCCESS!”

2) Other Cousin got her tax statement back from the IRS (remember all the tax paperwork I was buried in last September?). We were seriously worried because the IRS had told her that she owed something like $200,000, a number so large that we would just have to surrender the family compound and all live in the van. But yay! The total tax owed is $20. Twenty bucks. Easy peasy.

The Bad News (well not really bad, but humbling)

I am the Bridget Jones of academia. Instead of being a singleton in the realm of smug marrieds, I am the community college drop out in the land of phD candidates. This wouldn’t be so bad if it was just the ever brilliant Ruthzilla, I couldn’t imagine her doing anything but succeeding.

No, the ego smashing comes when a girl I helped in English 101 to write term papers is now getting her phD.

Slackers of the world untie, or unite, or something.