Properly theirs.

As we saw earlier this week, Sarah Palin has come under attack for choices her teenage child has made.  It shouldn’t have to be said at a fucking feminist blog that criticizing a woman for the choices that her grown children make is pretty fucked up, and for fuck’s sake I would rather not be defending a right wing fuckwit, but here it is.  If we want people to believe that we think teenagers are old enough to make complex decisions regarding their reproductive systems and their sexuality then we need to start showing that we believe it.  That begins with recognizing that children actually have a right to make decisions that are properly theirs to make.
Psychologists Adler and Dreikurs (apart from their views on homosexuality which I thought were horrible, but I recognize that it was an older time and we have evolved in our understanding of humanity slightly) are pretty spot on when telling us that children respond and make decisions based on how equal they feel.  When a child is raised to believe that they have agency over what happens to them they will make better decisions.  The theory here is that by standing back and allowing children to make decisions that are properly theirs to make we are encouraging them to learn while giving them a safe environment to do so.  I don’t know that they saw sexuality as a normal part of this learning process, I haven’t read all of their writings, but I very much see sexuality and the choices regarding it in this light.
Sexuality has to do with their own bodies.  At some point as children mature into adults they need to know that they and they alone are responsible for those bodies, and that no one has a right to make decisions regarding their body other than themselves.  The choice to engage in sexual activity, while unpleasant to think about for some parents, is a choice that is properly our children’s to make in their older childhood.  It is foolish for us to pretend that our children (our teenagers, if I am not clear about that) are not thinking about or already engaging in sex.  Applying Adler and Dreikurs here, instead of shaming them and pretending that our children are not sexual creatures we should be doing everything in our power to educate them and give them all the tools to properly make decisions regarding their own sexuality.  This is what we call giving them a safe space to make mistakes.
And the safe space is the most important part.  Sometimes we forget that making mistakes is part of growing up.  We didn’t learn to talk in complete sentences and we didn’t learn to walk without falling down a few times.  We learned by seeing these things done, and by trying.  As parents we need to provide a place where children won’t crack their skulls open during their first steps, but we need to stand back and give them the room to take them.  Even if they fall.
Unfortunately for our children, sometimes that fall will result in an unplanned pregnancy.  Part of this safe space that I mentioned earlier is information.  Free from our judgement and free from our own inclinations to choose one way or the other we should be making sure that they have all the knowledge there is regarding birth control, and all of their options should they become sick or pregnant.  Knowing that we trust them with this knowledge is part of making them feel like equals in their relationship with us, their parents.  This encourages them to make good decisions based on good information when making decisions that are properly theirs to make.  Knowing that they are responsible for their own choices encourages them to make better choices, and knowing that they have our love and support should they screw up (no pun intended) makes them more confident.
We may not like dealing with the sexuality of our children, but we can no more ignore it that we can ignore the fact that they will eventually grow out of those clothes and may one day call our music lame.  At some point we need to realize that what they do with their bodies really is their own choice.  Children grow up and make choices that don’t always fall in line with what their parents believe or want, however recognizing that children should be able to make decisions that are properly theirs to make also means that parents are not to be shamed for them anymore than we should shame a teenager for making a decision we don’t agree with regarding their body.
And that is part of being Pro-Choice.

The Moderatrix Requests Your Patience

While Her Royal Majesty is away dealing with Royal Matters (and drowning her sorrows in SpeedoFest 2008, AKA the Olympics), I am filling in as Moderatrix again.  I have some Not So Royal stuff to deal with.  If your comments are taking longer than normal in moderation I apologize.

Pido, I found a few of your older ones that were caught up in the mod queue, so never fear, you have not been exiled to the land of Banned Commenters!
In the meantime, in addition to fabulous posting by soopermouse, you can expect some updates from the My Other Boyfriend files (AKA videos).
Hang in there, RQ!  We miss you!

Dear Senator Hillary Clinton


Thank-you for all of the amazing things you have accomplished in your life.  Thank-you for being a wonderfully strong and confident woman to whom my daughter can look for inspiration.
Thank-you for being a champion for women’s rights.
Thank-you for your fight for health care.
Thank-you for smashing through the glass ceilings that you have and most of all, thank-you for running for the Democratic nomination.
Thank-you for staying in the race this long and giving as many people as possible a choice.
I am awaiting your next move, for I know that it will break ground and pave ways for future generations of women.  I know that whatever you choose to pursue next it will make my life better, and it will make the future better for my daughter, and everyone with whom she will share that future.
I know that you will not let me down, for you haven’t done so yet.  I know you are not perfect and that you have made mistakes, but being that you are human, I know you have learned from those mistakes and will use them to better prepare to forge ahead. 
I hold you to the highest of standards, and wait anxiously for the great things I expect to see from you in the future.  
Our Future.
Warmest Regards and Endless Admiration,

An Oldie But a Goodie

Or, the Comment Policy, as written by the Red Queen (see, “Red” starts with “R”, and “Queen” starts with “Q”. Even my six year old knows that reading is fundamental).

Cause it’s my (our) blog, my (our) discretion.

If you’re racist, sexist, assholish, repetitive, annoying or even just plain boring – I reserve the right to edit your comments and replace them with the Barney song

I love you
You love Me
We’re a happy family

Or maybe I’m a little teacup. It’s a mood thing really. Also possible are such nursery hits like The Ensy Weensy Spider or Humpty Dumpty.

I also may turn really awful comments into a blogpost to be made fun of and mocked accordingly. If you don’t like these policies you are free to write your own blog and you are free to write on your own blog how mean and horrible I am and how you’re just a poor misunderstood asswipe. But not here.

Edited to Add- I have recently become fond of making up limericks mocking misogynists’ penis size as well as editing comments to reflect the internal thoughts of the cheetoh eating, basement dwelling, couldn’t get a date with a woman, male entitlement trolls. If you must troll, you should be pretty damn secure in knowing that your comments will be permanently changed to reflect your stalker/ date rapist tendencies.

UPDATE 10-19-2011 Damn, how long has this blog existed? Forever. But that’s off topic. What you should know, dear trolly shitheads, is that this blog is moderated by 2, yes 2 kick-ass Elizabitchez, separated by 9 fucking time zones. So for about 20 hours a day this blog  is fiercely guarded by one and often 2 Elizabeths. Do you want to feel the full might and furry of two pissed of Elizabeths? No you do not. Trust. So move along. Go whine and moan and gnash your measly teeth elsewhere you tiny infant of a man (or woman, but mostly man. Almost always man, except for the time we had the Jill Staneck forced birthers praying for my sinning ass. But the worst of those were still men.)

Also, unfortunately with the great eating of Haloscan by fucking Echo, I lost my comment editing abilities (sad face). No more nursery rhymes or jokes about nice guys. But the ban hammer is mighty and fierce and I will crush you with it. 

A Note From the Moderatrix

Sorry kids.  We don’t allow people to spill nonsense and untruths here at Elizabitchez.

Before you go crying, please look up the words “censorship”, and “comment policy”.
No one is stopping you from spilling your lame ass attempts at garbled gobbledygook, you just have to get your own corner of the interwebs to do it.
And since you won’t be able to ask any questions, being that you naughty naughty monkeys have been banned, please fill your time reading the comments policy here.
Save the planet, Peace!
Much Love,
the Moderatrix