2012 is Already Here!

OK, I am cheating here, crossposting between here and my site at mundaneastrology.net I know my astrological work is beyond the ken of most people on the planet now, but the topic below ties intimately with issues we will increasingly face over the next ten years.
The more astute among us will have noticed that the issues of the 60s reverberate throughout our lives everyday. Civil rights, women’s, racial and gay, while improved, remain unresolved. The US finds itself in another unwinnable war and protesters search for new means to convince politicians to remove troops from harm’s way. The mid 60s included the Cultural Revolution, the Seven Day War, Saddam Hussein’s climb to power; Africa gained confidence in its efforts to throw off colonial chain; Che Guevara made efforts to spread unrest in South America. In so many ways what happened then laid the seeds for what we experience now. In so many ways the 60s saw ways of old come to an end. It marked an end of innocence, but also the birth of new ways. The era of Ozzie and Harriet came to an end, shattered by gunshots that erased two Kennedys and Martin Luther King and the pen of Rachel Carson.

Then and Now Astrologically

October 29, 1966

I chose the chart above based on the fact that it was on the day of an eclipse, typically times that mark important dates throughout a year. It just so happens it is the day that the National Organization of Women drew up its charter. Outer planet wise, Saturn (bottom of the chart, 3rd house) is opposite Uranus conjunct Pluto (top of the chart, 9th house). Without repeating the details, note that the events mentioned already tie into this astrological configuration. Conjunctions (Uranus aligned with Pluto) represent seed moments, both beginnings and ends. The last Uranus-Pluto conjunction before this one appeared around 1848, the year of revolutions all across Europe, when the Communist Manifesto reached publication and the Seneca Falls Convention first launched a feminist movement. A layperson probably finds these connections unconvincing, but astrologers are not surprised that much of what happened in the 60s reflects the previous Uranus-Pluto conjunction period of the mid to late 1840s. I don’t expect the uninitiated to accept this association, but the open-minded will at least pay attention.

June 26, 2010

In the chart above the three main components again find themselves in interesting alignments, Saturn opposes Uranus, as it did in the mid-sixties, but Uranus has moved 90° in relation to Pluto, a condition known as a lower square. The technical details do not matter as much as knowing that the components remain the same thought their relative positions will have changed. For perspective know that the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 appeared under similar Uranus-Pluto conditions.
The main point to take from this that unlike the other 2012 predictions, this one is based on a system anyone can follow. The connections between the 60s and present, escalating issues follow a clear path tied to real issues we can understand in today’s terms. Most will remain skeptical about these connections, but when 2010 brings up all of the issues festering since the 60s remember where you heard it first!

2012 is Already Here!

OK, I am cheating here, crossposting between here and my site at mundaneastrology.net I know my astrological work is beyond the ken of most people on the planet now, but the topic below ties intimately with issues we will increasingly face over the next ten years.
The more astute among us will have noticed that the issues of the 60s reverberate throughout our lives everyday. Civil rights, women’s, racial and gay, while improved, remain unresolved. The US finds itself in another unwinnable war and protesters search for new means to convince politicians to remove troops from harm’s way. The mid 60s included the Cultural Revolution, the Seven Day War, Saddam Hussein’s climb to power; Africa gained confidence in its efforts to throw off colonial chain; Che Guevara made efforts to spread unrest in South America. In so many ways what happened then laid the seeds for what we experience now. In so many ways the 60s saw ways of old come to an end. It marked an end of innocence, but also the birth of new ways. The era of Ozzie and Harriet came to an end, shattered by gunshots that erased two Kennedys and Martin Luther King and the pen of Rachel Carson.

Then and Now Astrologically

October 29, 1966

I chose the chart above based on the fact that it was on the day of an eclipse, typically times that mark important dates throughout a year. It just so happens it is the day that the National Organization drew up its charter. Outer planet wise, Saturn (bottom of the chart, 3rd house) is opposite Uranus conjunct Pluto (top of the chart, 9th house). With repeating the details, not that the events mentioned already tie into this astrological configuration. Conjunctions (Uranus aligned with Pluto) represents seed moments, both beginnings and ends. The last Uranus-Pluto conjunction before this one was

Who’s Your Moral Daddy?

Recently, my work on mundaneastrology.net and on my upcoming book 1648 (sorry to plug at your expense, but guerrilla marketing must prevail!), I have thought much about morality, not the thought of dying, but who provides our moral structure. I speak not here simply of your everyday “though shalt not steal” kind of stuff, though these morals obviously still matter. What I speak of here are of the trickle down variety. Who provides our overall moral guidance? Who should we listen and why? This simple question has many ramifications.
The Church mostly lost is authority on the basis of its overtly corrupt practices. It is doubtful that such an overburdened institution–the Church had become with every aspect of life throughout every class–would have been able to keep up with the demographic changes that Europe rolled out through the 16th to 19th centuries. Nonetheless, the Church’s obvious hypocrisy opened the door for Luther to enter and for Protestants to rush in. Very apparent question arises here. Since the Church, the self-proclaimed arbiter of behavior, could not be trusted, when did the lack of trust began? Did it occur evenly across the classes? (Doubtful). Who won the authority over your morality? Catholics? Protestants? Christians? Did anyone win?
All of these questions become prominent when you consider these questions for people that have great influence on society. Who provides the moral center for our representatives? Who decides it is morally ok to move to Montana, overburden their infrastructure and contribute far less to the economy than you take away? Who provides the morality that ignores global warming? The one that says Wal-Mart is OK? The one that says being loyal to your oil buddies is worth all of the lives sacrificed to your cause?

I think in our shift to a more secular viewpoint, who determines our moral structure has never been addressed. The Church rejects secularism so it has little authority to answer related issues. Protestants too obviously have trouble reconciling their faith and the post-modern world. Governments should govern, but expect a certain level of adherence to social code. Very few concerns prove black and white anymore. For instance, what is the the moral code for projects that have down-the-line-effects? Is it morally righteous to invest in a project that could damage the environment long after you are dead?

It’s the Progress Stupid

Hello again all! There hadn’t been much activity here so I have not posted anything of late. Nice to see that the spirited (haha) conversations continue.

Many of you know I am authoring a book tentatively tittled 1648: An Astrological History of Europe from the Renaissance to the Victorian Age. I can say with 100% assurance that the period between Neptune-Pluto alignments, approximately every 495 years, offers a more precise way to divide history into manageable portions than the more arbitrary ones of five hundred years etc. I am also finding that the Neptune-Pluto divisions also coincide with the familiar terms of the Middle Ages, The Bronze Age, etal. These divisions gives us the current “wave” (my term) beginning around 1892 and ending in 2384. We are in the first phase or quarter of that wave.
For a long while I had trouble classifying what this wave means. The problem is typically postmodern, too much information instead of not enough. Many of the candidates included global warming, globalization, the new power of women, integration of minorities into the mainstream, how to define religion in a post-modern world, etc,. All of these help define the issues we know face. But the more I ponder them, the more I conclude that these represen symptoms rather than the actual condition. But, seeing them this way lead to a more universal truth: it is the progress, stupid!
Until the last wave, 1398-1892, progress was NOT a given. Indeed, a purposeful march toward progress, the assumption that humans could use their minds to improve their conditions, was shunned as counterproductive and wasteful. Religion also cast a heavy shadow as human-centered progress removes God as the main factor governing our destinies. However, since the damn broke during Age of Reason, human generated progress was assumed as a given. But as we know, progress giveth as much as it takes away.
It is my contention that we have progressed beyond our abilities. What I mean by this is best seen in the climate change scenario, but applies to other issues such as demographic imbalance, income distribution and globalization. Machines gave us abilities to produce ever faster, stronger, more productive, bigger (ands smaller) machines. Science helps us live better and longer. At the same time, we have brought ourselves to the brink of ruining the planet by overpopulation and various forms of pollution. I.e, we moved to quickly without determining the consequences. Now, we cannot return to old ways, but cannot continue with our current path. Something must be said for the old attitude of seeing progress as counterproductive and wasteful.
If my Neptune-Pluto wave model holds true, then this is the first wave than began with human-based progress as a given. The first phase of any wave deals with defining what the overall means. My opinion is that we need to define what human-based progress really is. If whatever we do brings us closer to our overall demise or global destruction to the point of making most life untenable, then is it really progress? The answer seems to be a resounding “NO”.
Then if “progress” really is not progressive, what is it? No, there are no simple answers, but not attempting to answer the question is even less progressive.

Mullets and More

Sometimes when cruising the Internet you trip over something you just cannot ignore. I ran into such a site called Mullets Galore.

Okay, mullets are funny but not the most hilarious thing in the world, but buried in “Mullet Matrimony” is a surprise any bride would want. You have to work for this one by clicking on the arrows at the bottom of the images, but it is worth effort. Hint: its about much more than mullets!!

Words may disappear…

I recently took part in a race discussion on the ‘Newsweek’ blog in relation to Michael Richards’ blowout. Most of the comments were ignorant rants about white people not owing blacks anything and other attempts to deflect white guilt. Then there was this:

Posted By: White Man (11/28/2006 at 12:46:46 AM)

Comment: first i would like to say that there are exceptions to everything i say here. that being said. it’s time for blacks to realize that NO other races like them. all other races seem to get along fine. the human races are like dogs, some are smart, some are dumb, some are weak, some are strong. blacks are similar to pit bulls, they (here in america) have been bread to be strong, not smart. people who associate/own them (pit bulls and blacks) usually end up finding they are alot more trouble than they are worth. blacks wake up, everyone is afraid to say it.. but we DON’T like you

I copied this immediately because something this racist will likely be taken down. I am going to write Newsweek to ask them to keep it posted. The world needs to know this.

A Middle East Silver Lining

Eventually the US needs to realize that it created the Middle East situation long ago. We put Saddam in power. We packed the Shah over a democratically elected leader in ’53.

Face it, our gamble to control the region for cheap oil has failed. At the moment we are begging the other players to front us more chips and they will. They want something more valuable: recognition and power on the world’s stage. We need to cut our losses and figure out different strategies because the longer the we stay the more we lose.

Why do you think none of “allies” are jumping to help. Because the more we lose, the more they gain.

The world has changed under our feet. We failedour role as the world’s cop (thanks to GW). Now we need to figure our next moves. Russia and China are becoming more powerful and South America is a starting to figure out they don’t need us as much anymore.

Just because we are the richest country in the world doesn’t mean we are the smartest. It’s time to let other nations to take the stage for a while. Let’s figure out our own issues like polarization, our gluttonous and poisonous consumption patterns, why our health-care is so bad compared to others, how we are going to move beyond oil, and how we will protect our own resources.

Sometimes you got to know when to fold ’em…

Is This What happens When You Supress Your Sexuality?

“If a guy simply taps me on the shoulder, I just swoon. Even when I go to the toilet, my body reacts. I’m a little bit scared of myself,” one woman sufferer tells Shukan Post.

Another adds: “When I got on the train one day, I could feel blood gushing toward a certain part of my body and it felt so good I almost let out a moan. It was sheer murder when everybody got pushed into the carriage.”

Yet another woman has her say.

“Even the vibration of my mobile phone is enough to set me off,” she says. “My friend said there’s something called Iku Iku byo (Cum Cum Disease). I guess I’ve got that.”

What may be afflicting these women, the best-selling weekly says, is an ailment called persistent sexual arousal syndrome (PSAS).

PSAS has been described as an affliction that brings about orgasm through the slightest of jolts regardless of whether they’re aroused, or even thinking about sex. What’s more, orgasms experienced by PSAS sufferers are not just momentary phenomena, instead affecting women over anywhere from a few days to a week, with one reported case seeing 300 orgasms in a single day.

Remember that movie idea I had a few years ago: Women in Heat? Hmmm?

OK, I am trying not to laugh, I swear.

But the Japanese to call it Cum Cum Disease!

Fuck James Carville

Sorry for the expletive in the tagline, but Carville is psiing me off.

After a trend turning election by the Democrats, Carville is calling for the OUSTER of Howard Dean. His logic is that Dean did not use all of the $10 M line of credit the Dems could have used in the election and prevented them from winning even more of the 30 seats won.

To me this smacks of pure envy. Sure, you may criticize Dean; anyone has a right to. But to call for Dean’s ouster is downright irresponsible. Dean’s fifty state strategy not only put unlikely seats in play (we won in Indiana of all places!), but it trickled down to the state level where Dems not only hold a majority of governorships, but all also state legislatures a place from where national candidates are fostered. Please, Mr. Carville what is wrong with that?

Mr. Carville owes Mr. Dean an apology for making such a ridiculous request. Thankfully, the head of the Democratic Party has not responded, judiciously staying above the fray, in my opinion.

Mr. Carville, you may be wanting to get back in the spotlight, but until you mend your ways your work may best be done in the shadows.