What do we with cars?

The automobile, more than anything else, represents the American way of life. No culture comes close to utilizing cars as much as we do. Without the car, our landscapes, physical and virtual would be much different. The car shapes politics, race relations and gender equality, among toher things. Without the car, our suburbs would be much smaller, as would their influence over who gets elected. ‘White Flight’ would not have been possible without the auto. Women, who still do the majority of child-rearing, in many places cannot live without the cars to ferry kids to and fro, keep track of offspring and otherwise care for their broods (yeah, we’re getting medieval here). Fathers buy their daughters cars because they fear for their safety on the bus. And yes, women can work hours in more remote locations they would not be able to without the safety of the automobile. No, I am not blaming women for our car culture, just acknowledging that women still have to fear attacks by men whereever women choose to live or work.

But, (you knew the ‘but’ was coming), the freedoms that cars give us must be paid for somehow. Automobiles make us more isolated, ruin the environment and contribute to unhealthy lifestyles. Yes, some of us have woken to the damage of our automobile culture, but most speak of finding replacement for fossil fuels rather than replacing the auto as a essential part of our lifes. Remember cars cause much more than air pollution (to which they are the major contributor). Roads destroy natural habitats, runoff from roads and parking lots kill all types of water-based organisms and the sprawl that cars foments further damage.

More and more communities are now aware of the consequences; expect parking to become much more expensive as cities realize how much parking lots really cost. But the majority of Americans remain oblivious to what the car does both to society and the environment. Eventually, however, reality must be seen for what it is. You heard it here first: our current automobile-based lifestyle is unsustainable!

But what are the alternatives? Do only the rich get to drive? How do we replace the present system of distrubution? What about commuting? And yes, how do we ensure the saftey of womem and children? These are all questions better asked and addressed sooner than later. Any suggestions?

An Election Report from the Other Side

No, I’m not dead, nor can I reach into the nether realms and blog from there (a new blog in the making, I’m sure). No,I’m talking about those other humans, Republicans.
Here is what they think it will take to stay in control of Congress (from the Washington Post).

Okay, nothing earth shattering, but it adds information to our regular discussion about the upcoming election and returns us again to the role of the centrist voter. Please form your opinion. (Omigod, think for myself. Isnt’ there someone on television who can do that for me?!).

What is Religion? What is Morality?

The queen, Mr. Cynic and I got into this little discussion stemming from the Moderate Christians need to restore image post that at this point has lead to the questions of: What is Religion? What is Morality.

Since it is after midnight, and I am still working on some nebulous coding, I leave the questions to everyone here. Of course, I will add more than my two cents worth as time allows, but I am sure everyone has a take on these not so simple queries.

The Red Queen never promised any of this would be easy!

What Role Should Religion Play?

little flower’s “Can Liberals Blend Religion and Politics?” raised many issues that inspired a few comments yesterday. The topic inspires another question in my mind:
What role should religion play in the post-modern world?

Being an agnostic, I feel questions of God and faith are personal. Leading a life that does no harm is all that should matter. But I know I am in the minority on this. Religion, like it or not, is a central character in many conflicts, domestic and international these days and must be dealt with. On the other hand, many feel science has replaced religion. Much of what was left to “God’s Will” has now been explained by science. I don’t think science replaces religion, but the point is a valid one.

Throughout written history at least, religion played a central role in society. Now, while still important, it does not hold the sway of science, politics and technology. So fellow bloggers, what is your take?

My Last Words on Same Sex Marriage (SSM)

First, I am not against same-sex marriage. It probably needs to happen and I look forward to the public debate toward its resolution.

I AM against falling on our swords to see it happen. Whether I am for it or against, I realize a passage of a ssm rights bill, either nationally or in the states is an uphill battle. It is one I hope happens, but one that I am assured has no chance at all under our current right-wing theocracy.

What I highly object to is using the black population to gain its passage. Blacks have never been in the position to deny this right to homosexuals. Does homophobia exist in the black community? Undoubtedly. Can the gay community work with the former to assuage its existence? Hopefully. But to say that the struggle for gay marriage is the same as the one for Black emancipation is both insensitive and irresponsible. If you want to pass ssm laws, find another tactic.

Many of the discussions about ssm point to how the families of gay lovers ignore the promises lovers may have made to one another. Is this a black issue, even it occurs among black families? No, it is a social issue that needs to be addressed for what it is.

I support, no, applaud and celebrate feminism. I feel the same about gay rights. But never have I said that I know what if feels like to suffer the oppression of women and gays; I simply don’t know that experience. If I said I did, all would know that I am lying. I expect the same respect from the gay community, no matter if I support them or not.