More lies

Turns out Sarah Palin, while pro life, is also pro contraception:

Palin said last month that no woman should have to choose between her career,
education and her child. She is pro-contraception and said she’s a member of a
pro-woman but anti-abortion group called Feminists for Life.
“I believe in
the strength and the power of women, and the potential of every human life,” she

showing again that McCain made a good choice.

And cut me the “Match .com would have vetted her better” and other Kos talking points.

She has more experience than Obama- working with the canadian government constantly as opposed to the guy who didn’t do his job in the Senate and did nothing about foreign policy, and never went to Europe before his rock star tour.

But this is not about that. Even if she had been an ambassador for 20 years it would not have been enough for the Obamazoids.

Because this is not about her. It’s about the fact that regardless how much a woman does, it’s never enough.

of lies and classism

One of the things you will hear lobbed at Sarah Palin is that her husband works for “Big Oil”.

The truth? Her husband, who is blue collar, used to work as an oilfield technician. In Alaska, a place where blue collar jobs are limited.

A certain blogger, who is a feminist and considers herself to be one, went on a mad rant at me when i pointed that, together with the fact that accusing a woman for her husband’s choices is sexist. She made it a point to note on her blog that all sexist attacks on Palin were off limits except for those about her husband’s career choice.

Wtf? The guy was an oilfield technician and is now working as a fisherman. So, are now all the poor people who have to gain a piece of bread working for oil companies horrible monsters that do not deserve to live, on par with lobbyists and Dick Cheney?

So, it is better to not work than work a blue collar job, just because you work for an oil company? The classism of this leaves me breathless. Does this mean that it’s better to not work than work for an HMO because they are what they are?

If Todd Palin’s job means that he works for big oil in scary quotes and thus his wife is not to be trusted since she would be more friendly towards big oil interests, do we get to call Obama on his wife’s employer? Michelle Obama works for University of Chicago Hospitals, where she has a symbolic vice president role. Does this mean that she is in the HMO’s pockets and thus so is Obama ( thus explaining his aversion to UHC)? What about her work for TreeHouse Foods Inc?

It’s not nice is it?

Or is it just a lie packed in a nice sexist and classist envelope from the same people for whom Hillary wasn’t good enough? Or is it that sexist attacks on women not allied with us are OK?

They aren’t

Some other blogger went so far as to compare Sarah Palin with Elena Ceausescu. So, because she is pro life, she deserves to be compared with someone who, as my country’s history tells, was a sadistic murderess? Wow.


A note on Palin: she seems to keep her beliefs and her job separately. When the alaskan senate wanted to remove the benefits allowed to same sex partners of state employees, she vetoed the measure. I know loud alleged LGBT friends who have done a lot less.

I am not even sure I can call myself a feminist anymore. The word has become dirty.

going down


You know, I wouldn’t want to be Howard Deam or Nancy Pelosi or Donna Brazile right about now. I mean seriously, I can just see them wringing their hands and sighing while looking at the latest polls. I can just see Howard Dean letting out a Dean scream and following it with :
*dials on his phone*
Dean: “Goddamn Barack, what in the HELL are you thinking? I went through all that trouble to hide your faults, falsify results and steal delegates for you and now this?”
( This being the fact that McCain leads him by 5% or so in the Zogby/Reuters polls.)

Obama: “Howard, how very lovely to hear from you. What? I have no idea what you’re talking about”

Dean: “The polls, idiot, the polls!!!!!!!!!! *Dean scream* McCain is ahead of you!!! What are you doing?”
Obama: “Howard, I’m sure I don’t understand. What ARE you saying?”
Dean: “*Dean scream* have you seen the Zogby poll for today?”
Obama: “The what poll? No, I didn’t see it, but Axelrod tells me I am 15% ahead as usual. The poll hasn’t moved for months”
Dean: ” *long sigh* Barack, do you have a computer near you?”
Obama: “Yes, what do you think I’m using to look at my pics, a photo album?”
Dean:” *wipes sweat off brow*, *deep breath*,*swallows 3 painkillers* Barack, do you have internet access on your computer?”
Obama: “I’m not sure, what do I need Internet for? I have all my pictures saved on my computer!… *checks for connection* *mutters under his breath “why is he bothering me? he should call one of the volunteers at the campaign if he needs someone to go on the Internet for him” *mutter mutter*”
Obama: ” Howard? I think I have Internet. have you seen how beautiful my website is?”
Dean:” “sighs again, resigned* Barack, go to”
Obama: ” what is that, a fansite? For me? Oh Howie, you didn’t have to! *smiles happily*”

Dean: “*picks himself offthe floor, takes deep breath, calms himself down* Barack, did you go to”
Obama: “yes…*scratches head*… Howard, what is this? It says McCain is ahead of me in polls!!!! How can this be??????????? *drops phone, runs screaming across the room*.

Axelrod: ” * comes in, takes phone” Howard? what is wrong with you? You made him cry and now he’s gonna have puffy eyes tomorrow! Are you mad??????”
Dean: ” He’s behind McCain 5 points * resigned voice, hand on heart*”
Axelrod: “Nonsense! He’s been ahead by 15% for months! *stares at computer screen, jaw dropping*
Axelrod:”*yelling* Who is the idiot who forgot to pay Zogby this month!!!!!!!!! Are you insane!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want the person responsible to be flogged!!!!!! “

Volunteer in next room: “Oh shit, I guess they found out”.

The End

I want to be a pirate

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the ultimate evidence that humanity is going to hell, that modern society has degraded and that, honestly, the sooner it’s over with, the better.

IX. If at any time you meet with a prudent Woman, that Man that offers to meddle
with her, without her Consent, shall suffer present Death.

that is an article from the code of Pirate John Phillips, captain of the Revenge. His code was set in 1724.

So, basically, pirates 200 years ago regarded death as ajust punishment for rape. Yeah, I know that it says “honest woman” and I am yet to find any special recommendations regarding prostitutes, but still. Almost 300 years ago, these outcasts had a better idea about how to treat rape than our modern society. Do you know why?

I’ll tell you why. Because there were quite a number of women pirates. A lot of them. Some ruled over entire fleets.

Has anyone ever wondered why outcast and outlaw communities are the ones where women florished most? A lot more than in the inaptly named “civilised society”? I’ll tell you why: because personal valour is a lot better to manifest itself in places where dumb rules don’t apply.

So maybe the best way to achieve equality is to abolish civilised society. that works for me, because civilised society sucks bollox


I have to say

Some people’s eyes refuse to see the street reality
Their narrow mind refuses to understand
I feel that someone has to be on the side of my people
I have to talk about my people
The people where everyone is trying to do something smart
To run after some kind of dividend
The smiles are fewer and fewer
If you fall, you will be even harder hit
Happiness cannot be seen, and if it is, it lasts just a little
Everything is full of venom
Unlistened prayers rise to heaven every day
Tears in the eyes of the ghetto boys
This life has caught my people like a maelstrom
And there is no escape but to keep on fighting

The society rejects the weak
My bother, do you want a better place? I have to say

I can’t close my eyes to what I see around me
I feel the pain of my people, the tears of my brothers

Some people fight and study to become important people
And the rest are the losers who don’t matter
No matter how much you know, don’t matter how much you learn
You will never know what true life feels like
Lift your head from your pile of books
Look around, live like me and then you will see it’s a different world
You feel superior and would never be humiliated
My people only read the humiliation book
Most of them have stopped believing in anything
Most of them just keep on carrying their cross
Condemn forever to fight for something better
I can’t be that one, I have to say
I have friends who don’t know what home means,
Others who have no food on their dinner table
You might believe in your books, you will be the most learned
But you don’t know anything, you just don’t know

some interesting stuff about the war

By this time everyone and their mother knows there is a war in Georgia. The question is, what DO you know about the war?

The Western media has made a great deal of ” Russia invades poor Georgia!”. They also tend to leave out that Russia invaded Georgia because Georgia, in a hurry to get into NATO, proceeded to bomb and chase out the separatist province of South Ossetia.
If a country who isn’t an ally of the USA indulges in a little bit of ethnic cleansing, that’s a bad thing. It’s horrible and they should be bombed, scorned and generally treated like shit. However… when an ally of the US does it, it’s OK. So many people are hurrying to condemn Russia forgettign that Georgia levelled the capital of South Ossetia to the ground, killed at least 2000 people and forced about 25000 into exile.

Why would Georgia do that?

Because Georgia was told to solve its separatist region problem before it was allowed into NATO. So Georgia, after being repeatedly told that it is “The biggest US ally in the area” thought it could chase out the ossetians and keep South Ossetia. I won’t even get into how idiotic is to treat people like that, nonetheless people with Russian passports.

Georgia kicked the Russian bear, and the bear bit back. Whose fault is that?

( Trivia: South Ossetia proclaimed its independence in 1991. There have been some issues like a slowly burning civil unrestness for years. )

I am not going to excuse Russia going into Georgia and attacking Gori and even Tbilisi. But…

What they are doing is not anything more than what the US and its allies did about Kosovo. When you establish a precedent, you need to obey it. That simple.

In the mean time, nobody will help Georgia against Russia. Its president, the guy who decided that killing innocent civilians and chasing them out of their homeland was a good idea.

I leave you with some pics out of Tschinvali, South Ossetia, courtesy of the georgian army. This is what war is about. Don’t you forget it.

*Moderatrix notes:  The Red Queen has requested I edit a jump at the request of her beloved readers.  I do so with all the respect that I can for soopermouse and her incredibly thought provoking posts.

The Red Queen also asks me to remind you all that “war is ugly and never noble.  Pictures are painful, but honest”.