Romance my ass

The more I see this western society obsession with rrrromance, the more I believe that this oh so acclaimed thing is just another way for Patriarchy to opress women. Think about it.

Who is being told that not being part of a relationship means that you are uncomplete or just not good enough?
Not men.

Who is being told that rrrrrromance is supposed to be the ultimate goal of one’s life?
Not men.

Who is being told that rrromance is more important than one’s career, future, passions, ideas?
Not men.

It is a cultural venom so insidiously poured into all nonpenised creatures since birth. We are being raised on the ideal that being liked by others is the most important thing we should aspire to. Prince Charming gets to have all those adventures and kill all those monsters and gain the kingdom, whithe the poor princesses have just to sit in a fuckign tower and await for someone to ahve some use for them. They don’t exist per se, have no individuality, no ideals, no fucking life. They are prizes to be won, and THIS is how everylittle girl is raised.

We HAVE to be nice. We HAVE to be liked, lest we are nothing. We cannot allow individuality, personhood, ambition, get in the way of that ultimate purpose of the female existence, to be liked, to “live happily ever after ” with some guy we were never asked if we care about.

Has anyone ever bothered to notice that the prince kissing the sleeping/dead Snow White is in fact comitting sexual assault? Of course they haven’t.

Has anyone bothered to notice that the alleged Father of the Ghost on a Stick Joshua ben Josef, aka Yahweh, aka God aka Big Fairy Daddy from the sky raped Mary, since he never asked for her consent ?

Yeah, you can sometimes find love and enough mutual respect and compatibility and affection to make a relationship worth having, andyou can even call it love if you so desire. But it is only women that should give up everything for it. It’s only women whose relationship status ( or presence of ownership by an actual person as in penis wearer) has to be advertised publicly. It is women who are expected to abandon their name and individuality in order to become someone’s unpaid slave and progeny bearer.

But you know what? There will never be any fucking equality or even pretense of it until society stops telling girls that rrromance is the purpose of their lives.

You know? I grew up in Communist Romania. From many point of view it sucked VERY bad. Abortion was illegal being one of them. But you know what?

Every fucking little girl out there was told that she could be whatever the fuck she wanted to be. I grew up seeing women on TV being whatever they desired. Engineers, doctors, crane operators, officers, scientists, steel mill workers.

Each and every little girl anywhere needs to be told that. She needs to be told that it’s OK to defend herself without blocking herself when raising a fist against a penis wearer who attacked her. That actually happened to me. Some guy attacked me on the street and tried to fondle my breasts. I punched him. But for one fraction fo secind before hitting him, I froze. Hittign a man was against everything a woman was supposed to be. It was wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

End rant. And if you don’t like my language you can go fuck yourself.

Of lost respect

Yeah, it’s been a long primary. And not only that it has been long, it has also been painful and has left a lot of questions unanswered. And a lot of wounds that, according to CNN, are not even remotely closing.

Yeah, I am a HIllary supporter, and like many Democrats, I continue to be one.

But , for good opr bad, the primary is over, and by means that have little to do with democracy and honesty, Obama is the all but nominated candidate of the Democrats. Obama supporters have been seen tryumphing and harassing Hillary supporters, the gloating has swept the internets , and when that wave went away, I started to look at what was left behind, and admire the debris.

Sometimes I fucking hate doctors and nurses

This might seem strange since the medical science has managed to keep me alive at great cost. The medical science can be both a blessing or a curse, and maybe it was time that, after gettign quite a bit of the blessing, I got some of the curse side as well.

Long story short: For most of my life I had struggled with my weight. I had managed to overcome eating disorders, maintain a stable fairly healthy weight and come at peace with my body. I even managed to get over breast cancer, and some serious heart issues as aresult of chemo.

Dear Taylor Marsh

Just fucking stop.

I know that you are eager to write Clinton off completely so your conscience can feel better about supporting Obama. I can understand that. It is natural, and if nothing else it shows that there is still some integrity left to you.

But making stuff up is not cool, and you should seriously consider not doing it.

Hillary did not concede. There is no part in her speech that says so, and there is more tahn enough evidence that she is keeping her delegates. Thus, your hurry to write her off is not only a blatant lie, it is also very intellectually dishonest, and the smell of wishful thinking can be felt from my side of the pond.

You can choose to believe that Hillary is happy about the turn of events, and that she wil wholeheartedly support Obama from now on. Unfortunately, those of us with, you know, brains and an allergy to koolaid, might choose to think otherwise.

I am sure that Hillary would have done that, should Obama have won the primaries fair and square. He didn’t. Votes who were not cast for him were given to him, the DNC broke its own rules to broker this shit in a closed door meeting, and delegates he hadn’t earned were also given to him.

Since that didn’t happen, I seriously have issues believing that she would bow gracefully to those who not only stole HER nomination, but compromised the party, shit all over democracy and are heading towards a catastrophic failure in the fall.

This is a truce and nothing more. Obama does not have the pledged delegates to win the nomination as of now, and the Sds are worth nothing until Denver.

Yes, it does make sense that Hillary would suspend her campaign, because she did go into a serious amount of debt while keeping on. YOU were one of the people who encouraged her to keep going at all costs, remember?

But a truce is not the end of a war, and this is a war. Obama is having problems against MCCain now, and one can only imagine what the situation will be in August. The Republican attack machine is good, and this time they won’t even have to lie about him, the truth is damning enough.

Until Denver, the Democrats do not have a legal nominee. It’s that simple. Much as you would like to remove that bit of truth, it is still there.

Mind you, I can understand why you are acting as such. Few people like to be seen on the loser side. It is probably even harder for you, since you have a career to think of. I can understand that. Most collaborationists have that sort of a reason.

I refuse to believe that senator Clinton would put the party above the interests of the people she defended all her life. If she did, that would make me lose all respect for her. It doesn’t work that way.

So, seriously, shut the fuck up.

The sleep of a nation breeds monsters (a musing on democracy)

Ok, I am scared. I seriously am.
I knew for months now that the fix was in for Barack Obama to become the nominee . I articulated some of that here, but I guess I never really believe that it would actually happen in such a brazen way. What we witnessed last Saturday was the ugly truth setting aside its mask and revealing what it is.

I guess we all knew in 2000 that America was no longer a democracy, but preferred to think that it would go away. How naive we were to think that once the powers that be got their hands on something they would just let it go willingly. How stupid of us. We actually thought it would be over in 2004. Boy were we wrong.

After that night in 2004, I knew. I heard people say “it’s just 4 years” and realized they.didn’

Why would they?

Most Americans have lived all their lives under democracy. Some if not most believed it to be the natural state of things. I am pretty sure none thought that their democracy was in any way at stake.

“The sleep of reason breeds monsters”

The sleep of a nation breeds them too.

The lack of rioting in the streets in 2000 showed the powers that be that the Americans weren’t THAT worried about their democracy. 2004 was just the logical following. And people took it.

However, someone stood in the way. The DNC. The people who were regarded as having integrity and not stooping that low.

But they had their weaknesses. The DNC had stopped being a progressive and people party a long time ago.

Their urge to elect one of their own, which I would call an elitist jerk should that not be an insult to the rather useful has made them get exactly 2 presidents in the past 40 years. One of them is Jimmy Carter, who left America in a mess of Bushian proportions. The otehr one was a hick from Arlansas who won the presidency twice despite not being one of said elitist jerks ( the bad ones not the WoW ones).

The term “liberal” always evoked that to me, the attitude of a kind yet superior someone who deems to help those lower on the societary ladder (poor people) out of the goodness of his heart. It is the school of thought that says “If poor people knew what’s good for them, they’d do it”, where “good for them” = “what we think it’s good for them”.

Of course, that also implies that said poor people whould be fuckign grateful for being even considered worthy of interest and damned if they dare to have their own opinions about their own lives.

Me, I grew up under communism. I know what it’s like to be poor, and I know a bit what happens when you don’t have democracy.

People who lived their li9ves under dmeocracy have no idea what a frail thing it is, that it is not set in stone but has to be permanently protected. They also have no idea of the many pre requisites for a functional democracy… like economic stability amongst other things.

And thus we come to the matter at hand, namely what happened last Sunday and its context within the current situation of the American primaries.

I see a lot of people, Obama supporters, peole who think of themselves as progressive, who have no problem with the fact that their candidate stole the nomination.

They feel the”rules are rules” and that it is for the greater good of getting Barack elected.

This scares the shit out of me. If Democracy is not important enough for Barack Obama, what else isn’t important enough?

I’m very scared.