This Is Our Lives: The Disabled Version

In this thread on Feministe, where a dicussion of feminism & class issues took a turn for the classist, I found this tasty little Gem (emphasis mine):

May 16th, 2008 at 5:31 pm

Paraponera says:

[snip usal re-hashed classist bullshit]

“Anyway, only those who can comfortably afford it, and don’t have any major inheritable physical or mental defects, should seriously consider having children. That may not be peecee, but it sure as hell is common sense”

Dear Everyone,

“The Clintons” are not running for President.

Hillary Clinton Is running for President.

This is Hillary:

Bill Clinton was President in the 90’s.
This is Bill:

Two different people.
Not. that. difficult.

Florida And Michigan Must Be Counted.

If the Democratic Party leadership does not find a way to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida, either by holding a re-vote (which I think is needed in Michigan, as all the candidate’s names were not on the ballot), or finding some way to count the votes that were cast in the Primaries, McCain will win by default.

John McCain will become the next President.

Not because the nominee will be un-electable.

Not because legions of disgruntled Obama or Clinton supporters will cross party lines to vote for McCain.

Because the election will be stolen.
As it was in 2000, and in 2004.

And a party that has selected its nominee on the backs of the blatant, public disenfranchisement of millions of voters will have no moral authority to stand up to sneaky tactics like “malfunctioning” machines, misleading poll information, confusing ballots, hackers, misdirection, ID challenges, and caging lists. Much less a U.S. Supreme Court that leans even farther to the right than the one that handed George W. Bush the election he lost.

And I know, I know, there are “rules” that were broken. But here’s the thing. Those rules were broken by politicians playing games.

Not by the voters.

We didn’t all get together one day and decide we didn’t want our votes to count.

So the next time you hear someone say, or are tempted to say yourself, “They broke the rules,” I want you to try something. I want you to replace that phrase with one of these ones:

What were you doing on the street at that hour?
He ‘matched the description’ of the suspect.
If you don’t want ‘attention’ don’t dress like that.
Their parents are here illegally.
They’re ‘pushing their lifestyle’ on the public.
She was ‘leading him on’.
He’s a ‘problem child’ who can’t learn.

Because you’re basically making the same argument.

Independent Media

I’m lucky enough to have satellite TV, so I get a LOT of news stations:

I get at least 3 versions of the Major News Networks: CNN, FOX, NBC
I get my news from Tampa. 
Tampa is 81.miles.away.
But I do get Free Speech TV, and LinkTV  These are both independent, viewer-supported media outlets.  i.e. supported by individual contributions, not commercial sponsors. 
The programming on these stations is alarming, angering, depressing, hopeful, and utterly fascinating.  I don’t tune in nearly often enough, but every time I do, I find myself glued to the screen.  Their content is verbose, fact-dense, and I will not pretend their programming is neutral.  It is heavily anti-Bush, anti-corporate, anti-war, and gives you the facts to back it up.  If you recognize names such as Greg Palast, Amy Goodman, Nooam Chomsky, or Naomi Klein, you will find them on these channels.
They are carried on some local cable networks and you can watch some of their programming online.
Both Channels carry Democracy Now!  which you can also view on the internet.
I strongly recommend.  If you like what you see, and you have the funds available, please support them.  I wish I could send them money, but instead I’ll just send you this promotion, ’cause I think they’re worthwhile.