Bathroom Chemistry

Have I told you peeps about my tendency to play bathroom chemist? I get tired of trying to find the perfect product (or I just don’t want to spend gazillions of dollars) and so I make stuff.

I make salt scrubs, facial cleansers, my own special oil cleanser recipe (seriously, the only stuff you can buy ready-made is super pricey). I mix other products together to make better products. My bathroom is always crowded with little pots of this and that.

So my friend Amanda Panda and her friend Libby are thinking of going into business together. Both of them are message therapists. And I may start making massage oils for them and “glows” (can’t say exfoliant or you have to get an esthetician license) .

So I am trying to come up with some recipes for massage oil. And maybe a clay body wrap.

(RQ has more talents that you thought- it’s true)