Bitching and Moaning

I’m locked out of my email- again. All I get is MSN’s cheesy- account temporarily unavailable. I feel so cut off, disconnected. How will I communicate?

Oh yeah- I write a blog. Dope.

Anyone else get locked out of their email regularly? Should I be worried that the NSA has blocked my account so they can go see what terrorist themed junk-mail I get?

6 thoughts on “Bitching and Moaning

  1. no, never. only when the rest of the internet is down (2x in maybe ten years). I know you have many people who still know that addy, but MSN sucks, much like the rest of MS. I know you are in league with the Devil, but this devil ain’t worth it. MS el would sell you down the river (a term from slaving days )in half a digital heartbeat.

    I’ve had Yahooo for 12 years (fuck, that long?), and never had a problem though if I were new to this thing I would probably go to Gmail from Google.

    I know, its more than u asked 4, but this guy still despises MS and everything they stand for.

  2. I have a gmail account that I never check because I never use it.

    I know- MS sucks. I know. But I have had this account forever. wah.

  3. I’ve been trying to post something, but the button I’ve used that has previously allowed me to post is not working. I click on it, but nothing happens.

  4. Little Flower- what browser are you in? Can you save the post as a draft instead of publishing it (I can go in and publish it then).

  5. My browser is Internet Explorer. I’ll have to do whatever tomorrow because I have to go coach roller hockey. Everything seems to work in an inconsistent fashion. I still have to click on the comments button about 100 times before the box pops up.

  6. sometimes you just have to bite the bullet (Hey is cliche day!). Collect those addresses sound out a broadcast email and lose those losers. Just think of all the junk mail you’ll lose!

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