But I still don’t give a shit about the republicans

If you don’t vote for the Democrats, we’re all going to die die die die die.

That’s what I keep hearing for the die hard cultists loyalists. If I don’t suck it up and vote for people who hate me and who I hate, then other people who hate me and who I hate will make bad things happen.

But you know, we played that game before and George Bush 2 won anyways. And then won re-election. And yeah it sucked, but 2 years into a Democratic administration running all three fucking branches (okay, 2.5 since we’re not in the majority on the supreme court) and I don’t see any improvement. We’re still at war. We’re growing poorer by the day. Medicine is still to expensive and rent is still too damn high.

And I’ve got to wonder what exactly the Democrats need. It is seriously starting to sound like the only way they can be assed to govern under the platform they were elected for is if we have a one-party state. Anything else is a compromise our elected officials aren’t willing to make. Which is funny, cause they’ll compromise pretty much anything else, including the lives, health and safety of those who are their citizens.

But here’s the thing, it is not the job of the citizenry to compromise their ideals to fit the desires of the politicians. It is not our job to compromise our ideals. I should just type that 15 more times till it sinks in. It is not our job to compromise our ideals. And until we stop compromising with the corrupt powers that be, we will NEVER get the government we need, though we are getting the government we deserve for now. It is our job to push, pull and drag the powers that be into the future and allowing those powers to stifle our demands for more equality, more freedom, more fairness keeps us from ever realizing those goals.

I don’t care what crappy thing the republicans have done now. It won’t make a damn bit of difference when it comes to how well our country is being governed. The elites will rotate, and everytime the circle spins the democrats get closer to the central corp