But surely we are postfeminists now

BTW- this be the 1000th post. 1000, in 2 years and one month. Damn- no wonder I be so tired.

From Valleywag comes a lovely little piece about how Google is trying to make sure that their engineering staff is at least 25% female. YAY Google (though you know we are about 51% of the population- so don’t aim too low)

But of course the shithead is in the comments

And overall, I think pussy just motivates people. It’s like a phantom reward. Men are more polite around woman with the false pretense of sex later that rarely happens. Personally, I’m above that and accept the patriarchal society.

Hell, terrorists use it [pussy] as an excuse to bomb each other in the middle east. Island of 50 virgins and a the finest wine.

On that end, I personally find woman annoying. Men that surround these woman make my teeth grit. Get back to work. I want one woman, just for myself. Not much to ask. A techy? Trust me, you are supposed to be an interlocking duo, she should love you for your techness. You can love her for keeping her body a temple and interest in culinary arts. Woman should keep their bodies sculpted and perfect, their hobbies don’t even matter. True woman are passive and should like whatever you show them.

That’s right ladies. Your only value is in keeping your body a temple so that your pussy is a proper motivator. And don’t forget to make me a sammich.

Speaking of things that piss me off- I used HRC’s wage gap calculator and I make about 10k a year less than a man with my similar back ground and education. No wonder my account is overdrawn.

Also it’s take your kid to work day. Mine is sitting at the end of the lab reading manga at the mo. Everyday is take your kid to work day here.