Sore Loser Whiners

I keep hearing the same line of shit from the Obots “Stop being a sore loser”.

This is not a sports game, and that you are treating it like one goes straight to the heart of the problem with this entire campaign. You don’t say “stop being a sore loser” to someone in the middle of a war. And that is what we are in the middle of- a political war.

We are not going to lose a silly bet or bragging rights by losing this primary season. We will lose the heart and soul of the democratic party and all of the values that have made this party great since FDR will be thrown out the window. We are fighting to have our voices and our lives count. We are fighting because our party has been the big tent forever, but in this election cycle more and more of us (women, the poor and working classes, minorities) are being shoved out into an open field in a thunderstorm. Just like in my little roof metaphor, only now it is people who are supposed to by our allies doing the shoving and trampling.

Our votes cannot and should not be disenfranchised, marginalized, our disrespected. Our votes are earned, for us women we worked a fuck of a lot harder to get them than any of the Blogger Boyz ever did. We even worked harder than African American men did, though we worked to get them their votes too (and got thrown under the bus for 70 years for our troubles). So when someone tries to threaten and bully us into voting against our own self-interests,we know exactly what we are giving up.

Votes are earned. And Obama has not earned our votes. He has casually and callously dismissed them. And to be honest, I can’t see a moment when when there is enough water under the bridge for me to forgive that. You can’t shove us into the down pouring rain and then threaten us with broken umbrellas if we don’t agree with you. We’re all ready wet. A little more water won’t hurt us.

Dear Blogger Boyz

It’s too late for flowers and candy.

Perhaps if your candidate hadn’t spent the last 6 months being a misogynist douchebag things could be different.

Perhaps if he hadn’t thrown everyone under the bus except for you, things would be different.

Perhaps if you all hadn’t jumped on the Why won’t the stupid bitch quit already campaign, things would be different.

Perhaps if you all hadn’t spent the last three weeks declaring that the white underclass couldn’t possibly have valid opinons and that they are all just racists, things would be different.


But it’s too late.

In fact, I think another post-sexual white woman said it best with this.

Dear NARAL, a break up letter

I received this morning’s email regarding your endorsement of Obama for president. All I can say is “et tu, NARAL?” Did ya drink the koolaid?

Since when has “some control over their own bodies” meant bodily autonomy. I already have “some” control over my own body. I choose what to eat and when to sleep and thankfully who I get to fuck. But NARAL, I counted on your political action to work towards getting me full bodily autonomy.

And now you’ve gone and endorsed a candidate who not only wouldn’t know reproductive rights from a hole in the ground (No, seriously- he had to be reminded by an aid that voting to confirm Roberts wouldn’t be good news for any of his female supporters because he just doesn’t think about things that don’t involve his penis) but he also thinks misogyny, race baiting and classism are viable campaign tactics. being that you are a POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE I would takes this to mean you think his political actions are just and good.

And for an organization whose stated goal’s include electing pro choice candidates, I am surprised that you endorsed Obama who has in no manner, way, shape or form shown himself to be pro choice. He has shown himself to be dodgey with his “present” votes in the Illinois senate on the issue and changeable with his comments on parental notification. But so far there is nothing about him that says definitively- “I believe women should have the full rights to their own bodies that men have”. Quite the opposite actually.

I applied to be one of you summer canvassers. Please tear up and or burn my resume. I will instead give my time and my money to PATH or Planned Parenthood or hell I’ll just stand on the streets and hand out free condoms, but I will not support an organization for choice that supports candidates who want to restrict my right to choose.



“I don’t believe that’s true”

You all have heard me talk about the knee patting boys who try to explain the complicated and difficult world of politics to me, a fricken poly sci major for the love of gawd!

It happened again the other day when a couple of (male) students and I were talking about the VP spot and the line of succession for the presidency. When I said that Speaker of the House comes after the VP one of them said “I don’t believe that’s true” and “How would you know so much about it?”


So this article strikes a real chord with me.

Older men, younger men, men who are my students, men who are my “friends”, seem to think that they know more about my chosen major than they do. And we’re not talking complicated theory here. We’re not talking changing philosophies. We’re talking basic governmental rules.

And then someone(a dear friend who will read this at some point) when I explained why I am not a liberal but a progressive, did the internet version of the head pat and stated that it’s because I’m young and can’t remember that liberal wasn’t always a bad word. No, it’s because I’m educated as to the proper definition and I am not a free trade monkey- hence progressive and not liberal.

I know what I am talking about. I promise the vagina does not make me stupid, naive, or uninformed on the topics that I speak about. I am also perfectly capable of researching and establishing my own well informed opinions. (Same thing happens with music, I shit you not, and I am only a former insufferable music snob. I don’t have time to keep up with it lately)

So for future reference- woman does not automatically equal less informed than you.

We are more than just the sum of our vaginas

I heard form a friend who heard from a friend who heard from an Obamabot campaign employee that Obama is in negotiations with Hillary to give her the VP spot.

Apparently someone in the Democratic leadership figured out that you can’t win an election if a quarter of your party refuses to support the nominee.

What they fail to realize is that we are not so blinded by our need for a vagina in the White House that we will see past Obama’s serious failings just because he’s decided to give our candidate the do nothing job of VP.

Hillary being Obama’s number 2 mitigates as much of Obama’s lack of experience, sexism, and messianic cultishness as Gore’s being number 2 mitigated Bill’s affairs or Cheeney’s being number 2 mitigates Bush’s entitled stupidity- in other words, not at all.

So should the Democratic party do something so obviously condescending – I am still voting for either McKinney or writing Hillary in.

On the other hand- if Mr Postage Stamp resume wanted to take the VP spot, spend a couple of years seeing how running a government is different than running a campaign for head cult leader president, I would have no problems. He is younger and less experienced. I would hate to see our highest office turned into the corporate cliche of the woman who has worked for decades becoming the number two to the bosses favorite nephew.