It’s the little things the Obamabots don’t get

Via No Quarter comes this little email from the Obama campaign (bold by No Quarter)

p>From the Charlotte, N.C. Field Director Jason Green:

(Cut for brevity- the whole thing is at No Quarter)

And to do that we need your help. We need more of your blood, your sweat, and your tears. This weekend our Charlotte organization knocked on an incredible number of doors – but there are still many doors to knock, more stories to hear, more voters to inspire. So please join us as we knock on your neighbors doors and bring Senator Obama’s message of hope, unity and change. There is nothing more effective than connecting with another voter and expressing your story. Only you can do that. You know how important this is! I know I don’t have to ask, but I will one last time – please join us tomorrow. Call in sick if you have to and help us all day by canvassing or offering rides to the polls.

Tomorrow we will be canvassing at 9am, 1pm and 4pm (and whenever else you can join us)! There are offices all over Charlotte but our greatest priorities are at 1520 West Blvd and 7935 N. Tryon St. People need to hear your story – hear why you know Barack will make a great president and how his message has touched your life. Join us tomorrow in making history!

Between now and 8pm tomorrow evening, when polls close, we each have to do all in our power to ensure that Barack Obama is victorious. Now is our opportunity to not only change politics, but how Americans view and respect one another. The responsibility is ours.

Jason G. Green

Regional Field Director, Charlotte

1523 Elizabeth Avenue

Charlotte, NC 28204

Okay kids- what is one of the huge, giant differences between the Obamabots and well, just about everyone else?

Can you guess?

It’s part of the class divide thing.

The Working Class doesn’t get paid sick days. Actually, we are more likely to be fired for getting sick than to be paid of taking time off.

Now in my particular job, I have lots and lots of time off. I only work 36 weeks out of the year. What I don’t have (after five long years) are any paid sick or vacation days, eligibility for unemployment (because of how they classify my job) or the health and retirement benefits that nearly all other state employees get. I don’t even qualify for the reduced tuition that state employees are supposed to get. All I get is a reduce priced bus pass.

And I work with a whole lot of those creative class (cough) intellectuals. And they get all those things listed above.

How on earth can we expect a campaign that clearly has no idea how “the other half lives” to be of any use to us in the White House?

You know what I don’t do

I don’t go to pro-Obama blogs to start shit. (Actually, I am koolaid immune but I don’t feel the need to watch people drink the koolaid to prove it)I will happily tear an Obamabot down at my place or on other blogs that I know are 100 percent pro Hillary, but I have manners.

I also generally don’t go trolling right wing sites, MRAs (except that one time as a special request to a dear friend who I would take a bullet for), fundies or anyone else I consider to be an unstable nutbag.

See- I am not a masochist. And fighting unstable nutbags gives me a headache. And headaches mean pain.

So please unstable nutbags (YES THIS MEANS YOU PEOPLE WITH THE KOOLAID AND UNITY PONIES) go home. Have some manners. Do not comment where you’re not wanted. Or I will make fun of your penis. Cause so far- not a damn one of you nutbags has been a girl.

I’m the real uniter

For the second Sunday in a row, through my fabulous cooking and awesome powers of persuasion, I have changed the mind of an Obamabot.

And no- I did not fill them up with my own brand of Unity Koolaid. (Though I could totally make it, I go the skills)

No, I simply used the HopeandChangers own words against him. Once my dear female friend heard about “some control” she was done.

Once a younger, male, arms get tingly when I hear Obama speak, student who came over to watch bad sci fi heard me give direct Pony quotes, he has shocked.

When he said he couldn’t vote for Hillary because if he was going to vote for a woman he’s vote for a real woman, I kept my growly anger in check and just flat out said- give me a reason that’s not loaded in sexism and I’ll argue it. She is a real woman. He got it (I did mention he is young- it took him a sec but he got it). And he couldn’t give me a non-sexist reason.

I know our caucus (least democratic thing in the world) is over, but come November I’ve got two new voters.

Cause it’s always the woman’s fault

Well Michelle Obama, should we blame you for your husband’s raging misogyny.

Maybe we should, since you blame Hillary for Bill’s infidelity. Or maybe we should blame you for his loss in PA. It must be because you’re an uppity woman (huhm, it isn’t nice to have someone else’s failings laid on, you is it.)

And should we be surprised that you parrot that same old misogyny line for your hubby’s benefit. Oh Michelle, it’s not cute when Ann Coulter plays sexist exceptionalist. Why would you think you can get away with it?

Or maybe I am tacking the wrong tack here. Maybe, since the press (Hello dimwitted sod from the Nation) likes to blame Hillary for everything that has come out of Bill’s mouth ever, we should blame Obama for everything that comes out of your mouth. Which isn’t really that much of a stretch. While Hillary and Bill do seem to have entirely different opinions on many things, it is clear that in your addled brain your husband’s misogyny is right in line with your own.

You know what they say about people in glass houses. Now that you’ve basically told every woman who ever had a man cheat on her that it was her fault, how long before your dear hubby does the same to you? You’ve just given him the perfect excuse. It’s all your fault.

Periodically speaking

Sometimes The Nation is full of shit.

You would think that there are only three demographics in this race, white men, old white women, and blacks. Oh wait, there are some younger women too, but they are confused little flowers who can’t pick sexism out for themselves but know it feels icky.

This craptastic piece goes through extraordinary lengths to paint the Clinton campaign as directly racist.

Yet there is no mention of the obviously sexist trope that has come out of Obama’s own mouth.

I think someone drank the Unity Pony koolaid, but wants to still look “fair and balanced”.

It’s not fair and balanced until you talk about how Obama thinks women should only have “some control over their own bodies”, or about how he’s for parental consent laws for abortion, or how he likes to use sexist dog whistles in campaign speeches. You don’t have to tie yourself in knots to see the sexism there. It comes straight from the Unity Pony’s mouth.

No more caucuses, No more party

Caucuses are not democratic. They are designed to give party insiders the upper hand in choosing candidates. They keep the working class (who cannot afford to spend half a day arguing when work needs to be done) from participating. They keep political neophytes from participating. They are a tool of intimidation and bullying.

And no one knows that better then Obama and his supporters.

Everyday I become more disenchanted with the entire Democratic party. I know it’s politics and politics are dirty. But we are selling out our most basic ideas for political gain, instead of using politics to further those basic ideas.

We are Democrats. We count votes. We count all the votes. Disenfranchisement is a Republican tool. Bullying, intimidation, and election fraud are Republican tools. But we are keeping two large states from having their say in the election and there are repeated calls to end the process when NO WINNER CAN BE CHOSEN TILL THE SUPER DELEGATES DECIDE.

The basic premise of the Democratic party is that everyone, regardless of race or class or sex, counts. What I have seen in this campaign is women being thrown under the bus, the poor and working class thrown under the bus, the old thrown under the bus. That is not the Democratic party.

I have been told repeatedly that by refusing to vote for Obama, I am handing the election to the McSame.

But I am starting to see little difference between the two male candidates. Neither thinks women should have complete control over their own bodies. Both have been known to use misogyny to control women around them. Both pander to the wealthy while ignoring the majority of the country. Neither would guarantee healthcare for everyone. Neither has a solid plan for fixing the economy. Neither gives a rat’s ass about the poor.

Sure, Obama says he’s more anti-war than anyone else, though in his very short Senate career he has yet to prove it.

I have been a member of the Democratic party since forever. I chose this side because I believe in working to make things better for everyone. I do not believe wealth proves people to be more ethical or intelligent, and I do not think poverty is a moral failure of the people who live in it. And I cannot vote for someone who does believe those things, even if he is a Dem.

The Democratic party is about to change. Either it returns to a basic platform of equality and access for everyone, or it will fracture. And I know what side of the break I’ll be on.

When Hopium Smokers Get Desperate

they doctor old documentaries to make it seem like Clinton’s supporters are both racist and hate Indiana.

Nice to see the desperation boys. You know, they say a hopium addiction is really hard to kick. It takes about 15 minutes of using common sense and a whole lotta self-examination. Why are you a sexist? Why would you give up all reason and rational thinking for a mythical unity pony? How come you were so easily swayed by someone’s charisma while the glaring reality was invisible to you? Are you really just a dumb follower who is easily distracted by pretty words like a fish is distracted by shiny gum wrappers?

I feel like chicken tonight

(Does anyone remember those silly Chicken Tonight commercials? Cause I do and now I totally have it stuck in my head)

Since that is out of the way, via NO Quarter comes a little video about chickens and Obama and debate. This is another “It’s Funny Cause It’s True” video. I should make that a tag.


Edited to add: Also from NO Quarter- the best description of Obamabots yet. “Smoking hopium” Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahah