When did you know?

I know the exact moment when I started (re) liking Hillary. It was December 7, 2007. And I think it was probably about 5 in the morning.

And it was this clip

I was an Edwards supporter. Then he got all misogynistic for a minute, then he dropped out. I will freely admit that for the last few years I had forgotten how much I liked her as First Lady and bought into a shitload of the misogyny that was being thrown her way.

And then I saw her laugh at Maria Barteromo. And now I remember why I love her. And if you can’t see from this video why she is the only person with the chops to pull us out of the current shitswamp of an economy, then you need glasses.

Why write when you can chat

Quelipoth: hey

me: hello chickadee
Quelipoth: let me ask you an intereting question
me: you never ask me dull ones
Quelipoth: consodering that we have evidence showing Obama was losing until the moment he started attackign clinton
and that most of his campaign is based on mysoginistic attacks against her
me: yes
Quelipoth: is it ethical to hold Obama supporters, even those who have not theemselves personally attacked her with sexist slurs as being at least partially accomplices in the sexist attacks their candidate performed against her?
me: That’s a tough one.
Quelipoth: considering that teh message their support conveys is that they do not care whether Obama wins by disenfranchising women?
me: They aren’t responsible for his campaign, obviously, but it was his supporters doing the bullying at the caucuses
Quelipoth: well, they aren’t responsible for his campaign, but their support of it can be regarded as an endorsement of its methods
me: and NO candidate can win by alienating women
that’s absolutely true
Quelipoth: yes
me: and i have seen a few Obama supporters come out agianst the sexism, but not against the sexism Obama himself uses
Quelipoth: so, since we haven’t seen a movement by obama supporters to ask his campaogn to stop teh sexist attack, does that make them all accomplices, even if it is just by turning a blind eye?
me: just the stuff that the media spews
I kinda feel that way. That’s part of the reasson why i have lost some friends over this
Quelipoth: this is kinda why I have reached the conclusion that no progressive can support Obama while in possession of all facts and in good faith, and that some cognitive dissonance is involved
Sent at 2:37 PM on Monday
me: yes- though there are a shitload of “progressives” who think women are not fully equal. See Kucinich and his support for Ron Paul.
Quelipoth: i also think that Libertarian Democrat is the best description for obama
me: maybe
though I think he might be something else entirely
Quelipoth: the guy is not a progressive, and his weird belief that talking and free market will solve everything is a bit scary
me: that just makes him a classic liberal
Quelipoth: i think it makes him a post modernistic one
classic liberals were not afraid of wars when the need arose
me: nah- I think sexism falls firmly into the classic
Quelipoth: sexism is ever present. [frown]
me: But it doesn’t have to be
Sent at 2:41 PM on Monday
Quelipoth: it does, because otherwise the bepenised beings migth have to earn their keep
me: I think the whole problem is people seeing Obama as a new type of candidate. he’s not really. He’s a very traditional liberal who just happens to be black
Hillary hasn’t run on being above the political fray, she’s run on her own merit
Sent at 2:44 PM on Monday
Quelipoth: which is where i have a problem
me: Oh me too
That’s why the obamabots are scary. They are not looking at things rationally, but they are looking at him as a messianic figure. And there is a reason politics and religion shouldn’t mix

Once more for the simple minded………..

Someone has been lucky enough to have missed the massive “anti-girlOMGtehcooties” vibe coming from the obama boys. Some of us have lost friends and sleep and a place in the Democratic party over this, so it really must be nice to live in a land where that doesn’t exist.

I do keep hearing over and over and over that Hillary’s war vote is a legitimate reason for not voting for her. True, perhaps. But there are a shitload of dems that voted for the war and still have their seats.

For all intents and purposes, Hillary and Barak are the same on wanting to get us out of Iraq. For all of Barak’s sanctimonious bitching about Hillary’s war vote, he’s never seen a war funding bill he didn’t like.

It’s obvious the Hillary regrets her war decision or she’d be all in with 100 years McCain. But she is the first viable woman running to be in charge of the military. And the traditional screed against women in the White House has been about how they couldn’t possibly handle war related issues because they are too emotional and mushy brained.

So if Hillary comes straight out and says “I fucked up. Iraq was a bad vote.” she doesn’t get the pass that all of her male senate colleagues who made the same vote would get. She gets labeled as a dumb girl who we shouldn’t let near the big red button cause she might mistakenly press it and blow the whole world up.

It’s not difficult folks. Really.

Fun with thought experiments

I’m with Liss. All I want to do right now is read things that make me happy, like I can has cheezeburger or trashy gossip on Jezebel. Or buy shoes, but I am sooo broke. If I don’t take a break from political misogyny watch for a bit, I’m gonna explode.


I can never really take a total break. So I thought I’d try something a little more hopeful. I’ve been thinking about movie or tv plots or commercials I would like to see, instead of the standard sexist drivel that is trotted out as genius (Apatow- I’m talking to you). So here’s my list so far, please feel free to add to it.

A movie where a middle aged guy falls for a middle aged woman and it is considered normal instead of empowering for older women everywhere.

A movie or tv show where a poor guy marries a rich woman and they live happily ever after. Usually happily ever after happens only when the woman is poor. When she is rich, the guy inevitably becomes bitter after years of being controlled by his shrewish wife and has an affair with a…. poor woman.

A female heroine (or villain) in an action movie who isn’t tarted up in patent leather fetish clothes. Seriously- you cannot run, let alone fight in five inch heels. You will break your ankles.

A movie or tv show about 30 something women that does not include any laments about how there are no good guys left, that they are all married or gay. Actually, what I’d really like to see is the single, 30 something woman who is the commitaphobe because it’s closer to my reality. But instead of her growing up and settling down in the end, I want her big realization to be that she is just fine on her own.

Any show about a single mom that doesn’t cast her as either a completely self-sacrificing saint or a total abusive nut case. We’re all a little bit of both.

A commercial where men clean toilets. Or ovens. Or talk about how fresh they like their produce to be at the grocery store or they want their laundry to smell like a summer breeze.

A beer commercial where woman drink beer cause they like it, not because they are the magic prize the guys get for opening up a tall cold one.

And I would really like to see an end to the anorexic lollipop look. Do you remember when Lucy Lawless was Zena. She was all muscle and hotness. Now she looks like Lindsey Lohan’s aunt. Women who are naturally that thin don’t look like bobble head dolls (Think Natalie Portman or Kiera Knightly).

Seriously not ready for the 3am call

Go read Bluelyon’s post about Obama and and 9/11. Go ahead, I’ll wait…………………………………

OMG! Not predictable? WTF! What the hell was the 9/11 commission about if not for proving that George McShitty Pants ignored credible intelligence that planes were going to be hijacked?

And Obama wants to be the next president clearing tumbleweeds and reading books about goats when shit hits the fan.
