Florida And Michigan Must Be Counted.

If the Democratic Party leadership does not find a way to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida, either by holding a re-vote (which I think is needed in Michigan, as all the candidate’s names were not on the ballot), or finding some way to count the votes that were cast in the Primaries, McCain will win by default.

John McCain will become the next President.

Not because the nominee will be un-electable.

Not because legions of disgruntled Obama or Clinton supporters will cross party lines to vote for McCain.

Because the election will be stolen.
As it was in 2000, and in 2004.

And a party that has selected its nominee on the backs of the blatant, public disenfranchisement of millions of voters will have no moral authority to stand up to sneaky tactics like “malfunctioning” machines, misleading poll information, confusing ballots, hackers, misdirection, ID challenges, and caging lists. Much less a U.S. Supreme Court that leans even farther to the right than the one that handed George W. Bush the election he lost.

And I know, I know, there are “rules” that were broken. But here’s the thing. Those rules were broken by politicians playing games.

Not by the voters.

We didn’t all get together one day and decide we didn’t want our votes to count.

So the next time you hear someone say, or are tempted to say yourself, “They broke the rules,” I want you to try something. I want you to replace that phrase with one of these ones:

What were you doing on the street at that hour?
He ‘matched the description’ of the suspect.
If you don’t want ‘attention’ don’t dress like that.
Their parents are here illegally.
They’re ‘pushing their lifestyle’ on the public.
She was ‘leading him on’.
He’s a ‘problem child’ who can’t learn.

Because you’re basically making the same argument.

2012 is Already Here!

OK, I am cheating here, crossposting between here and my site at mundaneastrology.net I know my astrological work is beyond the ken of most people on the planet now, but the topic below ties intimately with issues we will increasingly face over the next ten years.
The more astute among us will have noticed that the issues of the 60s reverberate throughout our lives everyday. Civil rights, women’s, racial and gay, while improved, remain unresolved. The US finds itself in another unwinnable war and protesters search for new means to convince politicians to remove troops from harm’s way. The mid 60s included the Cultural Revolution, the Seven Day War, Saddam Hussein’s climb to power; Africa gained confidence in its efforts to throw off colonial chain; Che Guevara made efforts to spread unrest in South America. In so many ways what happened then laid the seeds for what we experience now. In so many ways the 60s saw ways of old come to an end. It marked an end of innocence, but also the birth of new ways. The era of Ozzie and Harriet came to an end, shattered by gunshots that erased two Kennedys and Martin Luther King and the pen of Rachel Carson.

Then and Now Astrologically

October 29, 1966

I chose the chart above based on the fact that it was on the day of an eclipse, typically times that mark important dates throughout a year. It just so happens it is the day that the National Organization drew up its charter. Outer planet wise, Saturn (bottom of the chart, 3rd house) is opposite Uranus conjunct Pluto (top of the chart, 9th house). With repeating the details, not that the events mentioned already tie into this astrological configuration. Conjunctions (Uranus aligned with Pluto) represents seed moments, both beginnings and ends. The last Uranus-Pluto conjunction before this one was

Sheriff Who Seized FEMA Ice Could Face Charges

Sheriff Who Seized FEMA Ice Could Face Charges
By HOLBROOK MOHR The Associated PressPublished: Mar 25, 2006

JACKSON, MISS. – Randy Walker swears he would have died from his diabetes after Hurricane Katrina had a sheriff not seized two FEMA trucks filled with ice and distributed it to residents, many of whom had to keep their insulin cold.

Now, that sheriff could be prosecuted on charges of interfering with a federal operation.

Forrest County Sheriff Billy McGee commandeered two 18-wheelers full of ice from Camp Shelby, a Federal Emergency Management Agency staging area, after five days passed with little relief for residents living without electricity in the wake of the deadly storm.

I have to say, it seems extremely unfair that this guy could be facing federal prosecution for doing his job… It’s late & I’ll post more later

Opinion from The Red Queen (only cause I can’t post a link in the comments section)

These were poor people in the south. In this administration’s eyes they should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and be greatful if they get any charity at all.

Now if it had been a swing state in an election year……….