You Can’t Normalize This Shit

I know, I know. This administration has become the Adherents of the Repeated Meme

(They’re from Doctor Who people! And spoilers- they turn out to be the empty suits delivering badness for the actual baddy of the episode)

Oh sure, tax cuts to get businesses to hire people. Yeah, that works., McDonald’s, fucking Mickey Ds, was responsible for HALF of all the hiring done last month. Yay! Crappy minimum wage jobs. Things are looking up! Fuck that.

You can’t normalize this shit. You can’t put the blame on us poor jobless folks. There’s a lot of us, we talk. We’re kinda over the whole bootstrap shit.

I’m not even a tiny bit surprised that Obama and his crack economic team can’t be assed to think about unemployed folks on the bottom. He never even hinted that he gives a flying fuck, and was the first Democratic president since FDR to NOT MENTION POVERTY ONCE in the state of the union. But just because I’m not surprised, doesn’t mean I’m not angry as hell.

Now for the folks at the bottom just waking up to how bad the President is for them, lemme remind you of that when voting season hits again. They don’t give a shit about us, because we’re going to vote for them anyways. What other choice do we have, let the Republicans win? We are a sure thing for them. No need to even get us liquored up.

The only way we get a government that is actually less evil is by not voting for evil period. The longer it takes people to figure that one out, the longer this dark and mean period lasts.

Fun With Haikus!

I posted this on Facebook

Oh second day hair!
Unwashed but not dirty
tomorrow oil slick

I’m worrying a bit about something, and can’t quite concentrate well enough to form serious thoughts. So I’m writing haikus about random household shit instead. Like

Damn dirty kitchen
Cleaning is pretty damn dull
Domestic Goddess

Teenage boy funk reeks
Of hormones and promise
Buy air freshener

Care to share?

So last night

I had one of my little bouts of insomnia. They happen, less frequently since I’ve gotten awesome meds, but they still happen. I finally passed out about 3am while watching Dorian Grey on Netflix. I then proceed to have the most fucked up dreams, horrid nightmares of awful. I was being chased and hunted and oh just so many bad things.

This is why you shouldn’t fall asleep infront of the compy, folks. At least if you are part of the non-cable class and you fall asleep in front of the tv you just dream about infomercials.

Link farming?

Lots o’ blogs that I read do regular link farms. I quit doing them a few years back because it seemed like I was reading the same stuff in the same places over and over and just posting it again seemed BORING. And y’all know how I hate to be bored.

But maybe with a gazillion things in my google reader that are awesome I should be sharing the love here. Let’s see how this goes and if you peeps like it, maybe I’ll do it as a regular thing.

Found via Tata, this site is all about social psychology and it is ah-maz-ing.

More on France and feminists and DSK and chambermaids and protests

From McClatchy: Is high unemployment the new normal? we’ve been talking about this for a long time, but it’s still nice to see a major wire service pick it up.

Also McClatchy: Climate change not just fucking with the price of bread, but also the price of cotton. What will us naked, starving peasants do with that. Pitchforks!

Jack Crow’s Letter to Principal High Muckety Muck reminds me why I homeschool

Sasha gives us another example of how just being poor is a criminal act.

What are you all reading, writing, or thinking about. Shameless self-promotion is always welcome. 

In which I enter another giant you tube hole thanks to Ouyangdan

Also, this is why she and I can NEVER live in the same city. You all would get daily My Drunk Kitchen videos from us.

Also, this was me a few hours ago. Shhhhhhhhhh.

Also, I have made jargaritas. And I may have a friend (or 3) who are only allowed to drink red wine out of coffee cups in my house now. You all know who you are.

Also, I am likeing this repeating also meme.

Dear Social Life

You, with your parties and your events and your “oh come and have drinks with us”ness are making it terribly difficult to be the layabout hermit type of writer.

Instead I will have to be the booze swilling social butterfly type of writer. If it worked for Dorothy Parker, well then…….

You Are What You Read

I’ve been thinking about books lately. Mostly mourning all the books I’ve lost, but also about what books radically shook my brain and made me a better thinker and/or person.

I’m about to repeat myself for about the thousandth time, but I wanted to get these bits down into one post so next time I go searching for them, I know where they are. Thank you internet for being the back up storage for my brain.

The first was a book about torture, Unspeakable Acts, Ordinary People: The Dynamics of Torture by John Conroy. I read this when we first went to war in Iraq, and when the first torture pictures started trickling out on the web (long before Abu Girab became public) I immediately recognized the 5 Acts used by the KGB (and later everyone, including us) to torture without leaving marks. Recognizing torture as an institutional and not just an individual act is one of the things I learned to do from this book. But the most important thing I took away from this was in a single little chapter at the end about the one in 50 people who will intervene instead of join in. It taught me that the smallest acct of humanizing a victim in the midst of abuse can turn the tide of the Ordinary People and stop or mitigate the abuse. But there are a thousand ways and times we can humanize a victim that don’t involve the hard bright lines of torture but the everyday, common place injustice. So even if I don’t have spare change for the homeless guy on the corner, I treat them kindly because you never know if my acting decently will inspire the dude behind me who does have the spare change to give it out.

You want to hear about Swedish Socialists? Of course you do! I read a biography (which I now cannot find the name of) of Tage Erlander, Sweden’s first Socialist Prime Minister. A huge chunk of how I think about political economy comes from this book. But the most basic is that Business’ only purpose as far as the State is concerned should be the payment of taxes. If a business cannot either pay corporate tax OR pay its employees well enough that they pay income tax, then the business is a failure in the eyes of the State and should be allowed to fail. Think about that when you hear yet another story about how some mega-corp made billions of dollars and didn’t pay taxes.

I have to admit, I didn’t read all of John Rawls’ Theory Of Justice. But I read enough to get the Veil of Ignorance idea, and it is the most elegant way to think about social justice in any form. The idea is that in order to design a fair society, the designers (us) have to be ignorant (or imagine we are) of what position we will hold in the society of our creation. It’s this idea that makes me, a non-illegal drug user, so adamant about bodily autonomy for everyone.

And then there is Elizabeth Gaskell. A little Victorian Social Justice fiction writer in the same strain as Dickens. Best known for writing the books that became BBC miniseries like Cranford and North and South, she is perhaps a bit of a proto-socialist. She wrote the most profound thing about wages that I have ever read, and I’ve badly paraphrased here multiple times.

I say, our labour’s our capital, an we oughta draw interest on that. They get interest on their capital somehow a’ this time, while ourn is lying idle, how else could they live as they do?

You should go read the rest of the page. It gets into how steeply the price of land rises.

There is, of course, always more. There’s Gramsci’s prison diaries and (thanks to Montag)Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle. There’s Frank Herbert’s Dune series, which yes is problematic and the older I get the more I see that. But it gave me my first understanding of the power of empire. Which of course leads me to David Spurr’s Rhetoric of Empire. I could keep going, but…

So dear readers, if you are still with me, what books rocked your melon in new and fabulous ways?