The Moderatrix Requests Your Patience

While Her Royal Majesty is away dealing with Royal Matters (and drowning her sorrows in SpeedoFest 2008, AKA the Olympics), I am filling in as Moderatrix again.  I have some Not So Royal stuff to deal with.  If your comments are taking longer than normal in moderation I apologize.

Pido, I found a few of your older ones that were caught up in the mod queue, so never fear, you have not been exiled to the land of Banned Commenters!
In the meantime, in addition to fabulous posting by soopermouse, you can expect some updates from the My Other Boyfriend files (AKA videos).
Hang in there, RQ!  We miss you!

A Note From the Moderatrix

Sorry kids.  We don’t allow people to spill nonsense and untruths here at Elizabitchez.

Before you go crying, please look up the words “censorship”, and “comment policy”.
No one is stopping you from spilling your lame ass attempts at garbled gobbledygook, you just have to get your own corner of the interwebs to do it.
And since you won’t be able to ask any questions, being that you naughty naughty monkeys have been banned, please fill your time reading the comments policy here.
Save the planet, Peace!
Much Love,
the Moderatrix

Important Decry for the Queen’s Peeps!

Never fear, loyal subjects!  While the Queen is out traveling the Kingdom you will not perish from boredom.  In my official capacity as Comes Palatinus I will be posting in her absence to ensure the happiness of her subjects.

And while I am prone to rants of epic proportions, I will do my best to keep you amused as well.
While she is away, we wish the Queen a safe journey and a happy return! 
And if it’s not too much trouble, maybe a little something for the Comes Palatinus.  😛