Soggy but safe & sound….

Well, What’s left of Tropical Storm Ernesto has passed out into the Atlantic and should be visiting the Carolinas soon, hopefully It won’t re-strengthen. Basically yesterday amounted to a really rainy day, & for Darlin’ a day off work (he was actually gonna try & go get some work done but then it started to get reall rainy … I have yet to check out the church interior, gotta do that soon….

I was supposed to hear back yesterday about a job I applied to, but i’m guessing they took the day off… I’ll be making a phone call today…


It’s Fursday!!
And for your viewing enjoyment, I bring you a man playing the piano with his balls

ok, maybe not so much funny as mildly amusing….

Nasty Weather

I thought moving to Central Florida meant I would miss most of the Hurricane/Tropical Storm fun…….

yep, that big blue blob in the middle is Lake Okeechobee. I’m about 50 miles away as the crow flies…

Not so much worried about personal safety this time… we’re on relatively high ground & Mom & Dad’s house is concrete block…

I’m just hoping the roof of the church stays in place & doesn’t become completely porous

Time to batten down the hatches, I guess…

Small-Town Politics Happy Dance

So, the mayor of my charming little adopted hometown of about 8000 decided that the city needn’t bother to speak the native language of about 1/5 of its residents… you know, the ones who do most of our agricultural work (in a county whose economy is largely based on citrus and other fruits & vegetables which need to be harvested by hand), a big chunk of our construction, and a whole laundry list of other back-breaking, no-respect, low-paying jobs.

The “Illegal Immigration Relief Act” was copied almost verbatim from a similar ordinance passed in Hazelton, PA, and would have, amongst other things, declared English the “Official Language” and the only language the city does business in. In a recent TV interview, the mayor seemed unconcerned that this could pose a problem for pesky little things like reverse 911 notices (in a town with an air force bombing range recently approved to use live ammunition)

It also would penalize property owners & landlords for knowingly allowing an “illegal alien” (Interestingly enough the US immigration website uses this term, but does not have a definition in its glossary – yes, i know, it’s a commonly understood term, but it’s a vague term to be used in a piece of legislation without providing a definition) to rent, lease or “use” their property. (just in case the landlord decides to let somebody stay without paying rent?)

The city attorney spoke to a local newspaper, saying the law was poorly written and probably unconstitutional. He’s now looking for another job. No “official” reason was given why he was fired, but a council member was quoted as saying it was due to a recent “embarrasing incident”

When I started this post, this measure was up for a vote: After a five-hour city council meeting, the vote came down at 11:00 monday night, failing 3-2 the same margin by which it was originally expected to pass. One councilwoman changed her vote to no, commenting that she had prayed for guidance.

I’m not foolish enough to think that illegal immigration isn’t a problem, but I don’t think the solution lies in passing wrongheaded ordinances that appeal only to prejudice and snobbery.

What do you know abaout a group called Grassroots Campaigns?

Well, i was browsing craigslist today in the tentative beginnings of a search for gainful employment (i clicked on the nonprofit section in the hopes that I might find something more interesting than the usual boring office jobs – or at least a boring office job for the common good) andI found this ad. Yes, I know this probably shows how incredibly ignorant i really am in all things progressive (or political for that matter – what can I say, i’m still more opinionated than informed- help me!)

Anyway what do y’all know about these folks? are they legitimate? effective?

Well I don’t suppose it counts as a Fursday Funny

but here we go:

Since Fursdays are our “recess” time here at the White Papers, and I found this on TBO just now, I thought I’d ask:

Do your kids have recess at their school?

A few years ago while I was working in a child care coordinating agency, I started hearing rumors that a lot of schools were gradually doing away with recess. I remember thinking: “that can’t be good…. don’t kids need a break from the classroom during the day?”

Apparently the rumors are true, and the Cartoon Network, of all people has found some experts with some fancy statistics & studies to back up what I guessed to be so:

An experimental study found that fourth-graders were more on-task, less fidgety, and less disruptive in the classroom on days when they had recess, with hyperactive children among those who benefited the most. Breaks are helpful, both for attention and for classroom management.
Olga Jarrett, child-development specialist at Georgia State University

Children permitted to play freely with peers develop skills for seeing things through another person’s point of view – cooperating, helping, sharing, and solving problems (NAEYC, 1997). side note: NAEYC stands for National Association for The Education of Young Children. They are the professional organization for people in the business of teaching kids birth-8 years

How active are children during recess? Kraft (1989) and Pellegrini and Smith (1998) found that elementary school children engaged in physical activity 59% of the time during recess, with vigorous physical activity occurring 21% of the time–slightly more time in vigorous activity than occurred during physical education (PE) classes (15%). Physical activity improves general circulation, increases blood flow to the brain, and raises levels of norepinephrine and endorphins – all of which may reduce stress, improve mood, induce a calming effect after exercise and perhaps as a result improve achievement.

OK, I know what you’re thinking…. if you’re reading this blog, chances are you may be, in the words of Hanna-Barbera, “Smarter than the Average Bear” and recess for you may have provided not only a chance to let off steam but an opportunity to practice your bully-avoidance skills. (believe me, been there, done that) But, the mean kids notwithstanding, recess still meant a breath of fresh air, a chance to use our brains for something other than the multiplication tables, or whatever it was we were supposed to be memorizing that day, our hands for something more interesting than scratching out workbook answers.

Recess was a brief space of freedom, a chance to do what you wanted in a day filled with instructions.

Recess was a given, only taken away as dreaded punishment for particularly greivous, usually collective offenses.

I’m sure that school administrators have their reasons; valid concerns that need to be addressed. I don’t really think they’re all evil monsters who hate kids….

But what if eliminating recess creates more problems than it solves?

The Gospel Accoring to Wonder

So I’m a christian – What does that mean?

Short-short-hand version:
I believe that the creator of the universe came to earth as a human being and lived through all the stuff that any person goes through.
That he suffered an excruciating death in order to set things right between God and humanity.
That he didn’t stay dead, but was brought back to life after he was buried.

That because he did all this, if I follow him, I have access to God, and I am free to live without fear of divine punishment. I have the power to change my own life.

Which does not mean i can just do whatever i want to. I ‘m supposed to follow his lead. It’s part of the deal.

I’m responsible to look out for those who can’t look out for themselves.
If I lack compassion, If I ignore the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, I ignore my God.
I’m not allowed the luxury of passing judgment on others, because I will be held to the same standard I hold up.
I have to forgive. That’s a deal-breaker.

Being a Christian means accepting a handful of paradoxes, believing the unbelievable, aspiring to the apparently impossible.
I follow Someone who made outrageous statements like:
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.”
“He who seeks to save his own life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake will save it.”

“The one who wishes to be the greatest must become the servant of all”

I convict myself with those words, even as I type them. I have so much, and give so little.
I resent judgmental people, and in doing so, i judge them.

I suck at this. I’m in good company, though. One of the apostles wrote: “When I want to do good, I don’t. And when I try not to do wrong, I do it anyway.”

But there is hope in all this impossibility. God already knows everything I’ve done or will do. There is nothing He cannot forgive. I am not defined my my mistakes or my misdeeds.

The smae apostle worte a few sentences later that the Spirit of God empowers us to break out of the old way of doing things.

This is not easy stuff. This is no fairy tale to tuck the little ones into bed by.
What does all this imply?

Next post.