Cause Sooper Nagged Me

I read this story the other day and meant to blog about it, then up in gmail chat pops a link. Thanks Sooper. I lurves ya.

So a 15 year old girl takes naked pictures of herself and sends them out, like a dumb 15 year old might.

Now what do you think happens next. Do her parents find out and banish her from all technology usage till she’s 30? Do her friends mock her? No

She gets charged for child pornography, essentially she is charged with abusing herself.

It’s like the most bizarre version of a Victorian punishment for onanism. Heaven forbid this girl might have some kind of sexual agency of her own. We can’t have that now can we? NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnOOOOooooooooooooo

She is being a dumb teenager, I give you that. But we were all dumb teenagers at one point (hell, I was the cheerleader who sold acid, and someday I might tell you all about my underage drinking ticket). But prosecuting someone for taking pictures of them self is about the stupidest thing ever. Dear gawd, I am sure there are dozens of photos of young boys mooning cameras for a laugh, where is the child porn charge there? How about naked babies in bathtubs? Every parent has one of those (at least- my Kid was such a little nudist that getting a picture of him wearing clothes was a rare thing).

I am a parent. And I am just as freaked out about the nasty pervy abusers out there as the next mom. But a 15 year old girl is physically incapable of sexually abusing herself. There is no power imbalance or coercion or force. There is no lack of consent or need for consent for that matter. You ONLY need consent when there is another party involved.