Crap Email From A Dude

I so love this series at Jezebel!

I have been on the receiving end of oh-so-many of these. I should develop a standard response template.

Dear ____:

I am sorry you feel hurt. I do not return your feelings. I thought that by telling you that before and then never ever returning your emails, phone calls, text messages, etc. that you would get the point that I’m not in love with you.

You are now bordering on creepy stalker type behavior. Please stop.


3 thoughts on “Crap Email From A Dude

  1. I just seem to attract the creepies I think there is an inverse mathematical principle at work- the less you care the more creepy they come.

    Maybe we should start a blowoff service for girls. Then they can keep being “nice” and get rid of creepies all at once.

    Dear Sir:
    It has been brought to our attention that you are in love with Ms.____. She is not in love with you and we have it on good authority that your penis size will never satisfy her or any other woman. Please desist in your attempts to contact her as any further communication will be posted on the internet and mocked severely.


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