Data Mining, DNA and the private KGB

Weeks ago I told you all that Greg Palast belongs on my hot brains list. His latest article just proves that brains and balls make him dreamy. Now it’s time to learn about ChoicePoint (or how to privately outsource domestic spying so that you avoid nasty constitutional problems).

They are paid to keep an eye on you — because the FBI can’t. For the government to collect this stuff is against the law unless you’re suspected of a crime. (The law in question is the Constitution.) But ChoicePoint can collect it
for “commercial” purchases — and under the Bush Administration’s suspect
reading of the Patriot Act — our domestic spying apparatchiks can then BUY
the info from ChoicePoint.

The same private company that is selling your phone records and credit card purchase information to Big Brother is also -SUPRISE- collecting DNA samples from as many Americans as they can.

And now ChoicePoint and George Bush want your blood. Forget your phone
bill. ChoicePoint, a sickened executive of the company told us in confidence,
“hope[s] to build a database of DNA samples from every person in the United
States …linked to all the other information held by CP [ChoicePoint]” from
medical to voting records.

Wow! Now the gorvernment will have one stop shopping for keeping track of those nasty little people we like to call citizens.

What would they possibly want to do with both your medical records and your voting records. Huhm. Let’s see-

Do you like employing that so-called free speech part of the constitution? Ever take an anti-depressant? Wait till government paints you as a mentally unstable nut bag with medical documents to back them up after you publicly declare your support for the other guy.

Do you think that family planning is a good thing? Wait till the government can tell everyone you know or work with exactly what measures you use for family planning based on your private medical records. Ever have an abortion, or maybe an std? Your boss will love to get that information from the feds so that he can know how you spend your free time. What about potential employers? It would be so much easier if they could find out in advance what kind of health issues you have so they know not to hire you if you are going to increase their insurance costs.

But what would they do with your DNA? Think about it and read the entire article here.