Dear Ann Coulter:

Some WASPs do and have thought about blacks, and not just in the Driving Ms. Daisy, fetch the help kind of way.

I am not a WASP (cause I don’t subscribe to the religion thing) but I come from a long line of them. My mother (mostly a WASP- she converted to Catholicism later) picketed the insurance company she worked at when they promoted the less experienced white guy over the much more experienced black woman.

But even before that, my dad’s very WASPy family were abolitionists prior to the civil war. Actually, I think they might have been the original Lincoln Republicans, back before republicans were all evil and stuff. You might not remember that though, cause you’re all soaked through with the evil.

And even though I don’t have the protestant part anymore, I still think about blacks. I live in a minority neighborhood. My son goes to a school that is 60 percent minority students and I see daily the disparity between the treatment of white and black students.

So please, as with pretty much everything else you say, kindly shove it up your ass.

H/T to Shakes