Dear California

It’s come to my attention that you have two super awful initiatives on your ballot. Since I can’t write at the moment, please see the below post for explanation on why prop 4 & prop 8 are seriously bad ideas.

First prop 4 and why parental notification laws are stupid things. Complete with bits of my own horrible history. Ohhh tawdry!

Next prop 8- The Veil of Ignorance (aka the right to live, love, fuck and marry whomever you want)

Now in Washington state we have a little initiative on the ballot about physician assisted suicide. I am pro. It goes with that whole body sovereignty thing. It’s my body, if I’m done using it I should get to choose that. But if any of you peeps want to argue why I shouldn’t be for it- have at it in comments. I’m in need of a good debate to break the happy ennui.