Dear Fauxgressive Liberal Dickwads

Do you believe in choice? I mean really truly with your whole heart believe that people have the right to control their own bodies? Or are you just saying that you believe in a woman’s right to choose because 1)no intelligent woman would ever sleep with you if you said otherwise and 2) you want to have abortion as an option in case your girlfriend’s birth control fails.

Maybe I’m being a bit too hard on the boys here. How about you girls? Do you really believe in choice, or do you believe in choice under certain conditions? Do you believe it’s ok for a poor brown woman to have abortions, but make snide comments if she chooses to have babies instead? Have you complained about poor single moms draining the system with their multiple babies? Have you bitched about someone having multiple abortions instead of using birth control or just keeping their legs shut?

Choice is simple people. It means that people get to decide for themselves whether or not to have babies. Period. You aren’t really pro-choice if you are denigrating someone’s choice TO reproduce. You are actually just as bad as the forced pregnancy douchebags, but coming from the opposite direction. Just like it’s not a big leap fro the forced pregnancy nuts to go from banning abortion to banning birth control, it’s not a big leap from limiting the number of pregnancies a woman can have to forced sterilization.

Here’s the truth peeps- there is absolutely no good reason to have babies. None. Every single reason anyone will ever give you for having babies is, at it’s core, a selfish one. Same thing is true for people deciding to not have babies. AND THAT IS OK. Really, it is. It’s a choice that we have to make on our own. And for some of us, the actions of say a poor single mom who seeks fertility treatments and ends up with 14 kids seems insane. But I bet the idea of choosing to never have kids at all seems just as insane to her.

And lets not forget how fucking sexist and classist all this Octomom crap is. If she were married, she’d get her own reality tv show to help pay for all the babies. She’d have giant corporations falling over themselves to donate diapers and clothing and cars. But she’s single, and poor, and has a “funny” name that doesn’t exactly sound waspy. And that makes people think it’s okay to tear her to shreds and hope for disaster to strike her kids.

So if you really, truly, absolutely think you are pro-choice, ask yourself if you can support someone else’s choice when it goes against everything you believe? If you can’t, you’re not really pro-choice. Instead, you’re giving the forced-pregnancy blow hards fuel for the fire when they scream about forced abortions.