Dear Senator Hillary Clinton


Thank-you for all of the amazing things you have accomplished in your life.  Thank-you for being a wonderfully strong and confident woman to whom my daughter can look for inspiration.
Thank-you for being a champion for women’s rights.
Thank-you for your fight for health care.
Thank-you for smashing through the glass ceilings that you have and most of all, thank-you for running for the Democratic nomination.
Thank-you for staying in the race this long and giving as many people as possible a choice.
I am awaiting your next move, for I know that it will break ground and pave ways for future generations of women.  I know that whatever you choose to pursue next it will make my life better, and it will make the future better for my daughter, and everyone with whom she will share that future.
I know that you will not let me down, for you haven’t done so yet.  I know you are not perfect and that you have made mistakes, but being that you are human, I know you have learned from those mistakes and will use them to better prepare to forge ahead. 
I hold you to the highest of standards, and wait anxiously for the great things I expect to see from you in the future.  
Our Future.
Warmest Regards and Endless Admiration,