Dear Walgreens:

Please inform your pharmacists that they cannot make up laws to keep women from trying to buy Plan B from your stores.

I have been a long time Walgreens cutsomer. It’s been at least 5 years since I’ve had a prescription filled anywhere else actually. And even though the asshole pharmacist was in Mississippi and I am in Washington (where, ftr, Hot Pharmacist has NEVER given me a hard time about picking up birth control, Plan B, or valium for that matter) I refuse to support companies that will not support my right to control my own body. Just ask Target how long it took for me to go back to shopping there after their own little birth control problems.

So Walgreens, you need to get on a writing up a national store policy on how to treat customers looking to buy Plan B (here’s a hint, treat em just like customers trying to buy anything else) and bring the smack down on moralizing pharmacists who try to make up their own laws on waiting periods. Or I am done. I don’t care how dark and luscious Hot Pharmacist is.