Dear White Male Democrats

Please go fuck yourself.

I’m voting for Hillary. For the first time in the history of this country, there is someone running who understands how much different it is for girls. Some who understands that we spend a whole hell of a lot of time between the ages of 12 and 50 worrying about getting pregnant, being pregnant, having a baby or not having a baby, taking care of our children and all the other stuff we are saddled with for less money and no power.

I totally understand why African Americans would vote for Obama for the same types of reasons. And I don’t begrudge them that. Actually- HALEFUCKINLUJA. For the first time in history the presidential election won’t be all about the old white men when November comes around, regardless of who wins the primary.

But you white male dems piss me off. You say it’s not about gender. You say it’s about electability. Of course, you said it was about electability last time. That’s why we got Kerry- who lost, btw. And we won’t even talk about you big fucking whiners who voted for Nader in 2000. While you were all bitching that there was no difference between dems and reps, those of us with ovaries know exactly what the difference is since it impacts us so much harder than it does you.

Hillary has her flaws. She tends to run towards the center, she’s a free trader, she won’t admit Iraq was a mistake. But she is also a hell of a fighter. She’s been through damn near close to 16 years of national scrutiny, humiliation, slander, and every kind of rank sludge that can be thrown at her has been. She can’t win for losing, she’s too cold or too emotional. She’s too dowdy or she’s showing her cleavage. She’s a ball breaking bitch who controlled all of her husband’s decisions when he was president or she’s a whimp who can’t keep him in line. If there is another person out there who is capable of taking that much crap and still being elected to dogcatcher- I’d like to see them. We white women are pulling for Hillary cause we are impressed. We go through minor versions of that shit everyday of our lives, but to see someone handle it with such grace and strength in the public eye is awesome.

So back to you boys. I would understand if the white male vote split 50/50 between Obama and Hillary, but your running to Obama just proves how much sexism there still is on the liberal side of the party. The code phrases of electability and likability don’t fly anymore. We’ve bought into that so many times so you could have a candidate you were comfortable with. We women make up the majority of the democratic party. We are the base. We count. And Hillary is plenty electable to us, it’s about time you all shut up and do what we have done for years, suck it up and vote for someone who doesn’t share the same sex parts as you. It’s only fair.

And for someone who says it all way more elegantly than I- GO READ THIS NOW