Do you know what I do for a living?

Whenever I have computer problems (which is frequent- see below posting on Macs vs Pcs) and I complain about them to friends, you know, in the way that we complain about things that bug us, I ALWAYS get the same response “I have a boyfriend, husband, brother, son, other penis gifted person who can help you with that”.

To which I answer “Do you know what I do for a living?”

On those occasions when I do actually need help fixing the frankenputer- I ask a tiny Japanese lesbian friend. (Hi Rain!)

So this cartoon just made me giggle

SHOCKING- I know! Girls use the internet! Girls understand technology! OMG they like high tech gadgets that do more than buzz when you turn them on. (Not to disparage the buzzy toys- I like those too). And they don’t want to be harassed or condescended to. Who could have thunk it?

One thought on “Do you know what I do for a living?

  1. Looove the cartoon!

    reminds me of the assholes in MIS at my last (permanent) job

    Joe, the director, was about 60, and ridiculously patronizing on a good day. On one particularly bad afternoon, I found myself with the following options:

    1) Leave the room.
    2) Cry.
    3) Risk arrest, as I seriously wanted to throw a stapler at his head.

    Fortuantely I was able to exercise option #1.

    He was a consummate bullshit artist, and would frequently spin us elaborate yarns in lieu of actual information about how things were supposed to work, or why they didn’t.

    After the only woman in MIS left for maternity leave he made the unfortunate(for everyone but him) choices of hiring such geniuses as:

    Jason The Lazy – who had a habit of sleeping at his desk or disappearing for hours, and once forgot to actually push the hold button when he left me waiting on the phone to converse with his girlfriend on his cell;

    Chris the Incomptetent- who apparently thought his looks were an actual qualification, wore a wedding ring & acted single; and

    Todd the Way-Too-Tightly-Wound. – He actually knew what he was doing, but was even more of a control freak than Joe. Once when I was in their office & he was issuing “instructions” he leaned on my shoulder so hard I couldn’t move away without dropping him. He got fired after he punched a file cabinet during an argument with another co-worker.

    Maybe he shoulda tried crying.

    I frequently pissed them off by getting my department’s computers un-stuck withought consulting them.

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