Do you trust your government?

Borderline conspiracy theorist that I am- I don’t trust anything out of the mouths of politicians. But it used to be that the everyday civil servants doing the job of running federal agencies like the FDA used science instead of religion as the basis for rule-making.
Not so anymore. You think all the stuff about the FDA approving Viox despite the possibility of death was bad, then the (dis)information they are putting out about birth-control and condoms should really freak you out.
This is one of the best, most comprehensive articles on the topic I’ve read in a while. None of it’s new to me, but it is very well put together. I may have to start reading girly mags again if this is the kind of articles I’ve been missing.

Wait, what’s that you’re saying? Oh you have a penis, this doesn’t apply to you. Bullshit. You need to know what kind of crap your girlfriend or wife is being fed because it directly impacts your sex life. Oh, I’m sorry, you’re a boy who sleeps with other boys- yeah check out what they say about condom use. You wonder why condom use is declining among young gay men- maybe because they are being told that condoms don’t work to prevent the spread of disease. If condoms don’t work against disease, and gay boys can’t knock up other boys then why would they need to use condoms at all?

I’m starting to think we live in some freakish hybrid of Orwell’s 1984 and Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale.

2 thoughts on “Do you trust your government?

  1. Of course, I trust my government! Winning is losing. Slavery is freedom.

    Global warming is good thing created by your leaders to make sure only the animals we like will live.

    You are poor because you don’t work hard enough. Work more hours, eat only non-nutrious fast food.

    You’re kid is not smart enough for college. McDonalds is a great place to work.

    Health care? If you took better care of yourself, you would never have to see a doctor.

    Those people under the bridges and in the Superdome in New Orleans were having a great party. We tried to get them out of there, but they just wouldn’t leave.

    I want the government know what I read; they will make sure no evildoer thoughts get into my head.

    We can catch bin Laden any time we want. Those people in Iraq always bitterly complain when we don’t think about them every second of the day.

    Women who have sex, even in marriage, get everything they deserve. They should all consider invitro fertilization from now on. That way they can chose the babies we really want.

    Whatever happened to that great government program to sterilize black people? I think they should bring it back.

    There is no federal debt. It’s called “creative financing”.

    Impeachment? George Bush should be dictator–uh, president for life!

    What was the question? I had one of those fine public school educations.

  2. SEZ THE RQ:
    >I’m starting to think we live in >some freakish hybrid of Orwell’s >1984 and Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale.

    I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t read Handmaid’s Tale, (scribbles furiously, adding to reading list)

    (scans memory of last read of 1984 for julia’s comments on repression & eroticism)

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