Doing the SCOTUS happy dance- but just for a second.

The Supreme Court ruled today that using military tribunals to try Gitmo detainees exceedes the President’s authority and violates the Geneva conventions (load of crap that the conventions are anyways- but my disgust at the International Committee for the Red Cross is a whole ‘nother post).

“That return marks a high-water point,” Commander Swift said at a news conference outside the court. “It shows that we can’t be scared out of who we are, and that’s a victory, folks.”

Bolds are so mine. Paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin- He who would scarifce liberty for secuity deserves neither.

Scotus did leave the door open for Bushy to get congress to approve use of tribunals though- and that is why the happy dance only lasts for a minute.

I bet it’s not long before we have a bunch of redstate yahoos screaming about terrorists and that the only way to protect ourselves is through a congressional act allowing military tribunals for enemy combatants. They will be waving the flag while they put the boot on our neck the whole time.

PS- Spellcheck is dead in firefox- how lovely. Suffer the little typos, just like Jesus said.