Don’t Walk- Run

To read this bit on impeachment. Seriously. And then I would like someone to explain to me why the Dems are such milquetoast babies that they can’t seem to do what Americans want them to do. I can’t see myself ever voting for a Republican (unless I could travel back in time and vote with the Radical Republicans after the Civil War) but I am having a hard time seeing how Democratic policies would be much better if they take control after the next elections. To date they haven’t shown how they would protect the people they claim to represent.

This is not the Clinton impeachment. This is not about a political power grab over a ridiculous charge that has nothing to do with a person’s capacity to run the country. This is about a president who committed actual crimes by lying about the war. This is about a president who is personally responsible for every American death in Iraq by falsifying the basis for the war. This is a legitimate, if not the most legitimate reason for impeaching a president, because he is putting the lives of Americans in danger without justifiable reason and under false pretenses. If Nixon was impeachable for bugging Democrats, how impeachable should Bush be for starting a war with a lie?