Forced Prengancy FAQs

Forced pregnancy douchebags are just soooooooo predictable, they bore me to tears.

So instead of repeating the same arguments over and over or debunking the same lies time after time, I think we need a cheat sheet. We need a handy little card we can pull out when the fuck nuggets come whining and annoying. And I want all your help in creating this handy little guide, so send me the stupid things you hear most often from the fucknuggets and we will come up with a pithy guide to shooting them down and elucidating their asshatery. Perhaps I’ll even come up with a pocket guide you all can print and laminate for in-person encounters with forced pregnancy blowhards.

I’ll start off with a few:

1. But it’s a life and it deserves a chance to live!

So do most patients waiting for kidney transplants. Can I tie you down and force you to give a kidney to one of them? Or maybe just haul you in for weekly blood donations? Or bone marrow? Or a sliver of your liver? Wait you mean you don’t want to be a life support machine for another person against your will. Funny, neither do women.

2. But there are so many people who want to adopt.

If those people were really doing it purely for the children then there wouldn’t be so many kids in foster care. For every child that is adopted there are 2.5 that are waiting for parents, and most of those kids are brown or black. The likelihood of being adopted gets even smaller if the child is disabled. How many foster kids have you taken in?

3. But what if you abort the second coming of Jesus or the guy that will grow up to cure cancer.

Seriously, is your god so inept that he’d let the second coming of Christ happen to a woman who will have an abortion. Isn’t he supposed to be all knowing and shit? As for the cancer thing, there are literally millions of people working to cure it, the one loan dude theory of science is mostly false and seriously outdated.

4. But we’ve aborted an entire workforce and now we have to hire illegal Mexicans.

Better that we should have an entire class of people between the ages of 0 and 36 who were raised by parents who didn’t want them. Well if they lived that is. We could just end up with an rash of Casey Anthonys. There is also the theory that legalized abortion led to a drop in crime rates cause unwanted children are more likely to commit crimes. So fewer abortions, more murders of living people. How is that a gain actually?

(please note that I am pro-immigration and that I am just repeating the douchebaggery in #4)

So that’s my start. What have you got? If you are a lurker who doesn’t feel like delurking- send me an email.