Fun classroom conversations…

The scene- this evening, a group of students gearing up for our first physical anthropology exam. We are nervous. The exam review sheet is ROUGH. You know what happens when a group of people is collectively nervous?

Completely inappropriate ideas. Like instead of having a normal Halloween costume, how about a dirty, sweaty, sticky group meiosis party. Meiosis, for the non-sciencey is the technical term for cell division in sexual reproduction.

“I’m gonna come as a bitchy mitochondria diva!”

“Hey baby, can I replicate some proteins for ya?”

“Oh you naughty boy, I’m not gonna recombine my DNA with just anybody!”

And now I realize that my dorkiness is not nearly as well closeted as I imagined. What will I do if they find out I like trashy sci-fi TV shows? I am so gonna lose all my cool points.