“Girl Talk” is codeword for misogynybag

Kid and I were taking our usual bus ride home tonight. This particular route is known for it’s perpetual lateness, being one of the longest routes in the city. Our bus wasn’t any later than usual, but it was being driven by a trainee with a trainer sitting close by to give tips, etc.

So Kid and I grab an open seat at the back of the bus and the dude behind me starts screaming about how slow the bus is moving (no slower than normal, mind you).

Screaming dude: Fucking move it! Push it! Push it! Fucking girl talk is for breaks, shut up and drive! Move. Rock it! Push it! This is no time for chit chat!

This tirade goes on for about a mile. I’m tired, grouchy, I already had a headache before I got on the bus. Dude is not just screaming in my ear, but he’s being a great big misogynist douchebag while he’s at it (can you guess what gender the trainee and trainer are by the “girl talk” comments?)

So me being me, I turned around and asked the douchebag if he could “Just knock off the misogyny?”

So his little tirade turned to me instead “fucking bitch better shut your mouth I wasn’t talking to you bitch just be glad I’m getting off this bus or my evil twin would show you what’s up”

He gets off the the bus, and I turn to the Kid.

Me: How much you wanna bet me that if the driver were a dude that asshole would have shut up.

Kid: Nothing, I’d lose the bet.

Girl talk. I fucking hate that phrase. It implies that any discussion done between two women (or girls) is frivolous and should be ignored. In the case of the misogynybag, it was meant to convey the idea that his time was wayyyyyyyyy more important than anything these two women could possibly be talking about, even if what they were talking about was their work and how to do it better. If they didn’t shut up and pay attention to his needs, then they weren’t doing anything worth while.

And people wonder why I hate movies and tv that doesn’t pass the Bechtel test. Until we see women talking to other women as being just as important as anything a man might talk to another man about, everything out of our mouths will just be considered “girl talk”.