Gmail’s chat feature is killing me

It’s way too easy to chat this way. I used to avoid chattiness but now i am having conversations like this all day

me: exactly
I need a nap. it’s a damn shame having to come to work after getting a massage

Sylvia: I need a nap too.
But I am gonna try to send out an application to the Seattle Aquarium!
Yeay, fishies!

me: YAY! You could tell them about how you were teaching about sharks and a student said :Ms. J, are you part black”

Sylvia: lol!
Oh yes!
That would TOTALLY get me the job!

me: Can you put “rocking ghetto bootay” on a resume?

Sylvia: Prolly not…. Might not be as well recieved as I’d hope.

me: You never know. I am thinking my next resume should include something about my cougar skills

Sylvia: rerow!