Guys Like Hugo

So there’s been a bit of a dustup in the feminist blogosphere of late. Hugo Schwyzer, attempted murder of his girlfriend, the prof who fucks his students, the “feminist professor” who doesn’t know the basic rules of language reclamation (you either have one, or you are one, or you don’t fucking get to use the word) who likened his participation in Slut Walk as “Herding sluts”.

Dude is a douchecanoe, or as a friend taught me recently, “a shit-whistling douchenozzle”. For a little background read this.

His past crimes (literal, attempted murder) I don’t wish to debate. He’s a shit face. If you want to argue that he’s been redeemed, I’m about to give you all the proof you’ll ever need that Schwyzer is still a shithead who shouldn’t be allowed to teach anything, but especially not Feminism 101.

Maya Angelou has said (and it’s been a touchstone for me)”The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.” I remember him from my first toe in the feminist blogosphere time. Maybe because I have been the girl who fucks the professor(s), letters after some guy’s name no longer make me quiver. I know that spending any more time than your average lecture takes with them is an energy-suck.

So I went on my merry way. I’d rather hear women’s views on oppression than some guy who uses a feminist label to get his dick wet spout bullshit.