Happy Wednesday

Let’s see if I can get through this without Blogger being a big whiny baby about it.

Congressional race in California to replace jailbird Randy “Duke” Cunningham was within 4 to 5 percentage points. Bilbray (R) narrowly beat Busby (D). Numbers I’ve seen are about 45% to 49%. In a district that is 60% Republican- that is fantastic.

Bilbray and Busby will face off again in November for the same seat. This was just a special election.

Oh- and Jerry Brown (my favorite California govenor ever) is running for California’s Attorney General. Yay Jerry!

And did you know that Gays cause War and unchecked masturbation?

4 thoughts on “Happy Wednesday

  1. This is exactly what I meant. The left need say nothing, let right-wing kooks bury themselves!

    Next, let’s get people in power on issues people feel worth voting for. Once that is done open up the discussion in an even-handed, these are the facts manner. Most people who vote are smart enough to separate the rhetoric from reality.

    I cheer the left for knowing when NOT to act. Issues are important, but so is strategy.

    BTW, when the question comes up, I check masturbation every time. (Was there a box for mutual masturbation, I want to sign up for that too!)

  2. Agreed. but what happened in 2004 was that gays began to marry without discussing their actions with anyone, forcing the hands of the democrats. It wasn’t that the dems agreed, or disagreed, there simply was no discussion. Maybe, and it could be a big maybe, if people had waited, we could at least of had a president who took up the cause. the whole issue blew up in about February 2004. Asking people to wait six months is not sacrificing their cause, it is a matter of trying to time moves to best advantage. In an election where every vote counted, some in the middle pointed to gay marriage as an issue that bothered them. Right or wrong this was a reality. Proponents of ssm make some very valid points about why gays should have the same rights as others, but b/c of how events played out in 2004, I don’t think they were ever heard.

    Pandering is against all I stand for. Instead, I would like to see an intelligent debate that makes these right-wing idiots, including black preachers, look like the idiots they are!

  3. Straight people don’t have to check with their political party before the get married- why should gays? And dems had been telling them to wait how many years now? If you kept being promised by politicians that if you just keep quiet and tough it out with no action being taken- you might go after what you want anyways- politics be damned. And I can’t blame them for that.

    You can continue to be bitter about the 2004 election- but it’s done. No amount of blaming gays that wanted to get married is going to change that election.

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