Help me escape the evil dog people and I promise not to bleg again

So things here just keep getting more and more awful. I think Ruth summed it up best with “people whose dogs attack people ALWAYS act the same way, like assholes”. So now the kitchen is basically off limits. Dinner tonight consisted of gas station hot dogs and twizzlers eaten at the baseball field.

Anyways….We aren’t safe here, and now it’s less from the dog and more from people. And it will just keep getting weirder. I am homesick for Seattle. And at least there is a wee smidge of a chance of finding a job in a city rather than the rural hell I’ve been in.

Here’s what we need.

Airplane tickets. Between 160 and 200 per person.
Transport to the airport (we are 2 hours from Orlando and don’t know anyone who could drive us, if you do yay) About 175 not including tax and tip
Baggage checking- everything I own will have to fit on 4 checked bags and since we lost our storage it really is everything we own. About 120 for most airlines.
Baby kitty transport. I know it’s silly to bring the cat, but the Kid calls her his baby sister. it’s 150 for her to fly in the cabin if they don’t require a certification from the vet.

So total needed is about 850. And we need it really soon. We could fly as soon as tomorrow but I don’t have the money for the tickets.

I know, I am queen of money drams. Trust me it sucks as much having to keep asking as it does to keep reading. But the powerball ticket that was my original plan didn’t pan out.