Here’s What I Know

The last year or so has been a swirling miasma of thoughts, theories, realizations and epiphanies in my head. I don’t know everything. But I am trying to figure some shit out. Like the thing that I thought I wanted to do with my life (i/e write about politics) is crap. You aren’t considered legitimate if you don’t write about what everyone else is writing about, but if you write about what everyone else is writing about you are writing about crap. You are agenda setting for the elites.

So I am going to seriously co-opt a black power phrase, apologies in advance, but you can’t bring down the master’s house with the master’s tools. I get that. I always thought I got it. But the last year I hit me how entrenched those tools are. Voting is one of those tools. It gives us the illusion of choice and power when all we really do is rotate the elites. And I just don’t have it in me anymore to participate in Democracy Theater. We will never succeed in changing the system (or breaking and replacing the system) with the established tools of the ruling class. We keep voting gazillionaires into power, after all. When was the last time you saw a single mom on food stamps run for office, yet she would represent 17% of the population.

And I keep thinking about Marx and putting the means of production into the hands of the workers. I don’t think that it’s possible to do this in the old school socialist, central planning committee way. I think that we need to take a serious look at individual manufacture, at fab labs (OMG internet, I missed being able to put links in), at energy production and storage that are local to use. A world where information is shared while production is not.

I realize this could sound a bit libertarian, though I am not at all advocating an “I got mine suckers” attitude. More of a trickle up effect of resources.