I think I just threw up in my mouth a little

So I am taking macroeconomics for the THIRD time this quarter. No I have never failed this class. The only class I ever failed was typing/intro to computers a million years ago and now I type about 60 wpm and tutor people in … Intro to computers. Maybe I should fail a language course so that 10 years from now I can be an interperter.

I am taking macroeconomics (again) because I keep having to drop the damn course because the ONLY professor who teaches it is such a misogynistic asswipe that I feel like I’ve run the gauntlet at Tailhook every time I leave his class.

Let’s see, in the first 15 minutes of class today we heard a joke about a dumb blonde who couldn’t do math and that women are secretly making more money than men. (Who knew? That whole 75 cents on the dollar things is a big freakin lie)


I know that part of my education means learning to sit through and get through classes with jerks. I’m usually pretty damn good about finding subtle ways of of changing right wing proffs opinions through my writing (Hello Dr. L! Thanks for using my papers to lecture from and for the kick ass recommendations you write). But this guy- he is not someone whose opinion can be influenced by a mere student, let alone a student with a set of ovaries (ovaries of steel mind you, but ovaries none the less).

So, what’s a girl to do when I have to get through this class (required for my major) but I feel like I need a shower and a machine gun every time I leave it?