I would sell my kidney for an airconditioner or a flight to Sweden

You know- it’s 3 am here and still way too hot to sleep- so I feel like rambling away for a minute.

I keep giving Bob a chance to prove that he really believes in what he says he believes, you know Jesus and every life being sacred and all that. I keep waiting for Bob (or any forced birther really) to show me proof of the loving compassion they claim to have for living beings. Real proof. Not just slut-shaming with “God bless you” tacked on the end.

They don’t show compassion to pregnant women and I have yet to see them hold men responsible for abortion rates. (Hey Bob- with 70% of non-custodial parents (mostly dudes) NOT paying child support- ya think that might be why so many women are unable to face unexpected motherhood- why aren’t you haunting the MRA sites if you’re all about personal responsibility?)

They don’t show it to living, breathing children (the largest number of people living in poverty in this country are children. Hungry, homeless children.)

They don’t show it to the poor (It’s all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! Shut your legs whores!)

They claim that adoption is a wonderful thing, but I’ve yet to meet a forced-birther who is a foster parent or adoptive parent. I certainly have never met a forced-birther who adopted an older child or disabled child.

They claim to love the babies soooooooo much, but they treat children as an inevitable punishment inflicted on women for having sex. Dear god- can you imagine how fucked up a child would be if that is what his mom thought of him as- a punishment for having an orgasm?

So what is it that they really are after- since saving lives or lessening suffering isn’t on their agenda? What is it that they really want?

And dear old Bob- the troll who started this stream of consciousness, I’m am still waiting for proof that you actually believe in Jesus. You treat Jesus’ name like the sewn-in label of a fake designer hand bag. You want it for the prestige, for the feeling of righteousness you get when pointing out someone else’s sin, for the feeling of inclusion you get when acting morally superior. But you don’t want to pay the price to have the real thing. You don’t want to do the real, hard, sacrificing work that it takes to be a Christian.

So what do you really believe then Bob? When you strip away all they lying and hypocrisy- what’s left of you?

(Please feel free to replace Bob’s name with the name of any forced-birther troll. They are so tediously, boringly similar that at one point I wrote FAQ)