If they really are the victors………………..

then why are they trolling like jilted, psychotic ex boyfriends?

It’s not just my blog that has had to turn the comments mod on because of trolls and stalkers. Uppity had to turn off her chat function because the TrollBots decided it was a good place to drop perverted and gross comments. MyDD has been invaded. Anglachel had to turn on comment mods. So did BlueLyon- though that’s because of my resident TrollBot stalker. The only reason they haven’t actually taken over at Shakes is cause Liss and the genuine non-trolly Obama supporters over there won’t tolerate it.

This is not the behavior of people who have won, is it? I have seen this kinda of thing before though, from exes who were very unhappy about being exes. Actually, I’ve seen this kind of thing from a vary particular ex who required both a restraining order (from a civil court) and a no contact order (from a criminal court) and actual jail time to stop fucking with me. This is the behavior of disappointed psychos. And I’m not sure what they are disappointed about but I think Anglachel nails it.

The fact that you continue to squall and fuss about Teh Rulz indicates that you know very well that the circumstances of his nomination are artificial. You need to accept that there is a big, fat asterisk next to Obama’s name in the history books

Ah hah. Legitimacy. Obama doesn’t really have it, what with losing the popular vote and finagling the delegate votes for Florida and Michigan. It’s as important in politics as masculine honor is to stalker ex boyfriends.

Both legitimacy and masculine honor are matters of external perception, or how other people see you instead of how you see yourself.

Legitimacy is vital to politics. Being viewed as illegitimate will at best make you ineffectual (Bush) and at worst inspire revolution. With all the legitimacy problems in Florida the last 8 years, I am surprised the entire state hasn’t started it’s own irredentism movement yet.

Masculine honor is the thing that drives those creepy ex boyfriends. While the girl is under their control, their honor is intact. But once she leaves, he needs to find a way to retrieve it, and unlike dignity, honor doesn’t come from inside. If the girl came crawling back to him, begging for forgiveness for not seeing how wrong she was for leaving him, then his honor is returned. You may have noticed this same kind of behavior from the Trollbots, with their “Hillary supporters better beg forgiveness and prove they are real Dems” comments. Rather than act like rational human beings with dignity and walk away, they have to keep pushing and pushing trying to get their honor back. But the more they push the less honorable they are. Horrible catch 22 for them really. Eventually they will either realize the futility (right, cause crazy ex boyfriends do that alllllllllll the time)or they will explode with obsessive violence, or they will find a new victim.

But this all hinges on the original legitimacy problem. For stalker boyfriends, lack of self esteem makes them control freaks. Since they don’t believe they are really worthy of the girl they will eventually stalk, they try all measures of ways to keep her from leaving. Again with the catch 22 stuff, any healthy girl will buck under a control freak and leave.

So back to politics. The Obama camp, knowing that it can’t win in a fair election, sets up measures to control the outcome. Voters in FL and MI along with 18 million Hillary supporters buck at the control measures. Obama gets the nomination but loses the girl (or in this case, MI, FL, and 18 million Hillary voters).

So now that legitimacy and the girl are gone, the TrollBots are doing everything they can to get back their honor. Threats, harassment, obsessive trolling, occasional moments of clarity where they try to act nice only to blow up the second a problem with the legitimacy of the campaign is mentioned. Mostly they act like assholes in the hope that eventually they will wear us down so we will give them what they want. Legitimacy and their manhood back.

And the more they use these measures, the more entrenched we girls become in our decision to leave. And so they push harder, troll more, threaten more. And we become more entrenched.

And lemme tell you- I lived through YEARS of being stalked and harassed and threatened already. I know I can tough it out and last longer than these yahoos. Do I like it, no. Is it an ideal way to live, no. Can I handle it- OH HELL YES. And I suspect there are a large number of Hillary voters who feel the same way.