Is Al-qaida Winning? Possible Op-Ed

I am thinking of writing an Op-Ed article for Washington Post, my latest American media outlet I can tolerate.

Some things to note about this. Their organization killed many Americans, but the US of A has not been able to exact any precise revenge. Al-Qaida still exists and killing Osama BL, if they find him, ironically would only fuel AQ getting bigger or at least more vigilant. They have cost the west $billions in lost productivity, property and the need to create more security. They may be costing us freedoms. I know, not directly their fault, but nonetheless, you could be eavesdropped upon as we speak. Oh, yeah, did I mention that USA started a war, in which it is just as confusingly embedded for who knows how long? This war is costing $billions that could be used here at home (can you say Katrina?). In my mind, AQ is winning, whatever that is.

Of course, the problem is that those looking for and excuse will attack the messenger, instead of seeing the message. If I do decide to publish this little ditty, I need to figure how to protect myself from, irony of ironies, the people who see themselves on the side of freedom.

Your thoughts?

2 thoughts on “Is Al-qaida Winning? Possible Op-Ed

  1. I am not too original or wise, but if for every dolar they “invest” USA wastes millions and without ign of progress then they are winning, in the sense that the guerrilla concept is still operational and we know bu experience what such a tactic can do.

  2. I like the Ben Franklin quote “Those that would sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither”. Which means you gotta write the op-ed even if it gets you in trouble with de fatherland security guys.

    Let’s see- no convictions of people involved in 911 to date, billions upon billions spent with little result, countless dead, massive debt, elimination of freedoms, and let’s not forget the burgeoning theocracies sprouting up in Afghanastan, Iraq, and the United States of Jesusland.

    Yeah- we may be on the losing side of this one for a while.

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