It is fucking personal

A response to a friend who thinks I shouldn’t take his Hillary hate personally:

If I supported a candidate who thought that death threats against you were okay, or that had no problem addressing black members of the press as son, or boy- you might understand that it is fucking personal. Misogyny hurts every woman, not just the one it’s directed at. I hate Obama with a fiery fucking passion, but I still stand up to people that make fucking monkey sock puppet Obama dolls cause I know it hurts more than just Obama. It hurts people I care about.

If I told you to get over it when people publish pictures of Michelle Obama being lynched- would you take it personally? What if someone called Obama a dumb n*gger? Would you take it personally? What if thousands of Hillary supporters started trolling blogs run by people of color and saying things like “shine my shoes you fucking jungle monkey” Would you take it personally?

It is fucking personal. The democratic party wants the women to shut up and get back in the voting booth, despite the black eyes and broken ribs we’ve gotten from our party. It is fucking personal.

So you coming back like this, full of the same lines, hurts me.