It’s Obama and Huckabee

And all I can muster is one giant “meh”.

If Huck continues on to win the rethuglikan nom, it will be fun watching him squirm out excuses about why he let a convicted rapist out of prison, despite letters from his victims begging him not too, because the rape victim was one of Bill Clinton’s cousins. The rapist then went on to rape and kill 2 women before he was caught. I think his new slogan should be “Huckabee- soft on crime, softer on rapists”

Now for the Obama problem. I can’t put my finger on it, but I have the same ookey feeling about him that I always had for Kucinich. See Kucinich looked for all intents and purposes like the only hard left prog in the race for a long time (including the entire 2004 race) but something about him just seemed wrong. Then he had the great wife search, which was creepy. Then he showed some love to Ron Paul, and I knew he was just a creepy little man who was desperate for both love and votes and willing to sell out women to get both.

When I first heard Obama speak, I was impressed. I was hopeful. But shortly after the ookey feeling started. Part of it was how he slammed people for voting for the Iraq war. I’ve been against the war since long before it started. Hell, the official start date of the war is my birthday and I take it as a personal affront that thinking people somehow thought it was a good idea to invade Iraq.

But Obama likes to run on the fact that he never voted for the war. Of course, he never had too, state governments don’t vote on foreign policy. So it’s not like he’s some Russ Feingold tested holdout. He also likes to use conservative framing for explaining his weak health care policy, and as a president you need to be able to frame the debate yourself, not sell out to the other side. Edwards is good at reframing the debate, Clinton has got some skills too (learned after spending years watching and helping her hubby teflon sidestep rethuglikan framing)

But, like I said before, I will vote for whomever is driving the machine that will get less people killed. That means Obama if he gets the nom. But don’t be surprised if he gets the nom and then runs farther to the right than any dem in recent history in order to prove that he can unify the country. He already likes using conservative framing, it’s not a far leap from just using the framing to using the ideas behind it.