It’s one of those weeks

My life seems to be a bipolar rollercoaster of events lately. After the high happiness of help I got in October with move in costs, plus new boy toy, plus awesome friends comes December and Janu-fucking-ary.

I started receiving child support on a regular basis in November. YAY! Because I was now receiving about $400 a month (at that rate my ex will pay off the $40,000 he owes sometime after the Kid retires) I lost $380 a month in food stamps and I lost my health insurance through the state. I end up with a net loss for receiving child support. Fuck.

Moving on

Because of the snow, work was closed for most of Christmas break. Which means no paycheck. When school finally reopened on Monday, hurray. Paycheck. Rent was late, Ruth picked me up so we could rush to the bank to cash my measly earning so I could pay most of the rent. Then the bank tells me there is a problem with the check and I have to talk to my employer. So Ruth figures out how to cover the rent using her tuition money until I can get things straightened out. School says it’s the banks problem, bank says it’s the school’s problem and meanwhile I am stuck with a useless piece of paper and my job has become basically a volunteer gig since they keep issuing these worthless pieces of paper that say i have money but that I can’t actually use to pay for stuff.

But at least i have child support- right?

Well no. That $400 a month has just been reduced to $73. WTF?

But now I think I go back to being eligible for food stamps and healthcare because I’m not receiving as much child support . Which is good because my birth control rx is up and that shit costs $65 a month, not including the lovely annual exam.
