It’s tea, you fucking dipshit

So I was reading this post at Jezebel and was reminded of a “fun” moment during my pregnancy with the kid.

It was labor day, I was maybe 4 months pregnant. Our entire apartment building got together and had a huge party on the roof.

I was wandering around, mingling with peeps, when condescending neighbor girl walks up to me and starts screaming at me and trying to grab the glass of dark brown liquid out of my hand. Seriously, like I was wielding a knife or something.

She was screaming “You’re pregnant, you can’t fucking drink, blah blah blah.”

At which point I gave her the classic raised eyebrow of doom and said “It’s tea you fucking dipshit” and finished the glass.

Now for all this person’s concern over the life of my future child, she never once told Kid’s dad to stop drinking. He got piss faced, stupid-assed drunk and decided to jump off the roof that night. Ended up with a seriously sprained ankle. No one (besides me) said that getting high in the hospital parking lot might not be the best thing when your girlfriend is about to be wheeled into the operating room for a C-section. No one (but me) told him that driving your new baby home from the hospital should not be done while high as a fucking kite.

But I’m a girl, so throwing public hissy fits because I might not be performing the acts of sainthood required of parents mothers is ok. He’s a boy, no sainthood required to be a dad.