Just wait……

I have a feeling that these kinds of conversations are just going to get more frequent as the Kid firmly roots himself in teenage angst.

Kid is in a funk today cause I’ve talked to both his social studies and science teachers about his missing work. Kid is grouchy that this is interrupting his manga reading. When I told him he needed to “do something, anything, for either of these classes” he informed me that he has a book he can read for social studies.He slumped off into another room and returned 15 minutes later.

Kid: I read the first chapter.

Me (I say nothing)

Kid: And even a little bit of the second chapter

Me (Still not relenting)

Kid: Oh come on. So far all this book talks about is a guy trying to bury his dead grandfather’s ashes!

Me: Just wait. If you think this is boring, next year I am making you read the dead Russians.